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I want to scream so bad, But how can I?

This is just another bad dream, one day I’ll wake from,

Another scheme of sleep paralysis on my throat, 

Like I owe them, I’ll pay my dues but not now.

Feels like self betrayal, I can't even trust myself.

Saw it coming but chose to stay loyal,

Trusting logic has been problematic.

Can't say it's not my fault, when it is.

Emotinonal War...

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betrayedhurtingrelationship problems

I Forgot

I Forgot

I forgot how much I loved to write

I forgot how much I love me

I forgot how much it hurt to be alone

Yet, to know that you are free

I forgot how much I love to sing

To feel the warm sun on my skin

I forgot to be me

I forgot how to smile

But today that all changed

Today I remembered...

I remembered it no longer us

It's no longer you and me

Now its me!


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the mask

powdered, light-tinted dust strokes the crevices of her porcelain face.

red liquid plasters the outside of her perfectly shaped lips.

black goo strikes the thick corners of her luscious eyelashes.


the girl staring back at her she does not recognize.

Perfect. Beautiful. Good. the voices in her head say.

A faint smile warms her face;

painted, covered, and disguised in the lies...

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beautydomestic abusehurtingpainsocietal impactssuicide

Spiteful out of envy

I am going to do something completely out of spite

i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right

It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous

this certian urge causes me to become rebellious

I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry

as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry

I apologise in advanced for this 

You'll find out some day 


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Let These Boot's Do The Walking

{Let These Boot's Do The Walking} 



Little darling you

have walked all

over my ?

heart for it seems

to be like a

million year's or

more now and 

now it's high

time for these

boots to do the

walking all 

over your ?

heart and face

and then before

I am done I

will stomp your

? heart and

face into this

dang southern

ground that I


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country girl's poemcountry girl's poetryTina GloverstoriespoempoetrylivinglifehurtingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverfictionwriting

I'm About To Lose My Mind

{I'm About To Lose My Mind} 



I'm about ready

to lose my cotton

picken mind  



because the same

pain each day when

I open my eyes

is about ready to

drive this

woman totally insane 



because the throbbing,

aching, blurred 

vision, sensitivity

to light and 

​​​​​​sounds along with

the headache on top

of a bad migraine headach...

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chiari 101chiari poemchiari poetrycure chiaricure mehealthhurtinglifeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpainsadnesssicknessstoriesTina Glovertrying to livewriting

What We Deserve

{What We Deserve}



You hurt me more than what I did deserve



Because I loved you more than what you deserved 



And one day soon someone will pay you back the same way you done me




Because that's what you will definitely deserve 




©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved 

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freelance writingOne_Pissed_Off_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverhurtfulhurtinglifelivingmean poemsmean poetrypoemspoetrysadnesswriting

I Run Away From You

{I Run Away From You}


I run far away from you these day's because it hurts me to even exist anymore without you but you don't or care about that shit do you no you don't 



But if it was the other way around you would have been long gone a million year's ago 



​​​​​​But now I'm always running non~stop because the hurt of not having you is more than my ? heart is will...

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fictionalhurthurtinglifepoemspoetryrunning away from yousad poetrysadness

Since Yesterday

When we were children, if things hurt us we would stop

Pricking fingers on roses, desperate to feel its softness, to smell it

We would be curious and we would get hurt and we would learn a lesson from that 


But as I've grown older

I've hurt myself further

I've clung to what we were as if I was gripping a rockface in a heavy storm

sometimes the storm wins


Everytime I ...

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