The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

married life (Remove filter)

Store Drive

I've being doing it for years I know how to drive
According to you were in a death race trying to survive
Yes of course I saw the big blue road signs
And I've stayed safe between all the white lines

I'm not to close to that car in front
At this speed I'm sure it would be faster by punt
You grab the dash at slightest move
Can't even use the radio for some clever groove

I do know wh...

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married lifemen and womencarsdriving

Lil Ray of Sunshine

Lil Ray of Sunshine

Yeah it's been longer than a minute,
so i gotta let this go,
everything that i've kept in,
these words ready to flow.
As much as i speak,
little did you ever know,
that this lil ray of sunshine turned into a pitchblack soul.
I remember a few years ago I preached a lot,
I had some words of wisdom so I shared my thoughts.
I preached about loyalty , respect and gangsta...

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relationshipsbreak-upmarried lifepainsadloveliesinfidelity

Devotion and Desire

Your fingers strummed the strings of your guitar in a lazy, sleepy pattern as my consciousness began to drift
I inched as close to you as possible, molding my bones to yours as I seamlessly carved for myself a place at your side
Space was a silly idea, a concept at that moment we would never need to consider, should never consider
You played on as we laid together, my chest rising and falling a...

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Loveromancemarriagedevotionmarried lifemusicguitarlove and romanceintimacytouch

Things to do



Spin the washing and hang it up

Mow the lawn and rake up the grass

Put out the bin and sort out your life

Oh and get a carton of milk before you go home to the wife


You’ve got your shirt to iron before you go to work

And your shoes need buffing and the car needs filling

So you’ve got no choice but to put your life on hold

But there’s time for a pint...

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lifemarried lifeboredom

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