The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Rain Check

You got alot of nerve, stirring up mess

Churning emotions til they fester and burn

Wrecking havoc, thriving in your habitual habit

Unconcerned with the environment, leaving it in misalignment 

Antagonized by your exasperation

Declared our common enemy out of correlation

To fan out the flames of your generation

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familygenerationEnvironmenttoxicitylifeAngerhopeteamhuman nature


Busy team

Hustling and bustling

Opinions jostling 

Fighting for position


Striving, determined and strong

Never once are we wrong

Volume intensifying

Voices increasing and thriving

The noise groans in to view

The minds spew an acid stew

Passing the time until the end

Every foe and every friend 


We are the lost ant in an army

The child forgotten aft...

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Bright headed warrior 

Definition of scouse


Open her heart is

Quick with her mouth 


Wild like the forest flower buds and leaves 

Psychedelic her garden she nurtured a seed


Tree blessings blossomed one April spring day

She planted a rainbow and named her sade`


Honour your crown sweet crystal queen 

Kelly, sade` a magical team

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Mother and daughterteamindigo child

The Theater

The Theater

Today, we're together 

Tomorrow, we're apart 

As Cinema .. as the Theater, 

An End for the Start 


Thanks to God for Life 

To work .. earn and learn 

Pray .. to keep Survive 

Happiness to reach and Yearn 


Surely, you're assigned 

For a role to achieve a goal 

Unless you've that mind 

You need to heal your soul

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I know you're hurting baby and feel like giving up.
You're building walls now baby but I'll climb on top.
I'll break them down now baby and lift you up.
You don't have to do this alone now baby, we'll partner up.
Don't think you feel too much now baby, I know it's tough.
I see your flame is dimming baby, I'll light you up.
You must be exhausted baby, you've fought enough.
I'll fight your ba...

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Babyloveteamdon't give up

Coach BS

I’m not the best running back

Sometimes I jog

But, I am great at keeping our motivation

Mentally together

Emotionally Fighting 

Our team is the best

But, something seems to push us on our chest

Face in the mud

Still getting up strong

The devil is working really hard

This is not what I call tough love

Regret, is what I’ll have

I will have a new coach soon

She ...

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