The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

toxicity (Remove filter)

Rain Check

You got alot of nerve, stirring up mess

Churning emotions til they fester and burn

Wrecking havoc, thriving in your habitual habit

Unconcerned with the environment, leaving it in misalignment 

Antagonized by your exasperation

Declared our common enemy out of correlation

To fan out the flames of your generation

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familygenerationEnvironmenttoxicitylifeAngerhopeteamhuman nature


When one radiates such toxic electricity 

Subtle imbalances are apparent to me 

Bright but unnatural brightness 


Almost comparing sunshine to a sunbed 

There is no comparison 

Toxic radiation in the form of false U V

Unlike the sunshine vitamin D 

Skin so thin and pure 

Rose petal

Forced tough and prickling heat 

Like a nettle 

Invisible daggers spore...

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Proximitytoxic energytoxicity


My lungs breathe in most of everything,

No matter the toxicity.

Some days I hold in the putrid air,

Until I'm left gasping.

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