The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong

A teacher....

Teach your students colors,shapes, letters, numbers, teach them about life, and now keep them safe from guns

Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong, remember you are a teacher

Teach your students to not be afraid, yet in your heart you know the world is again...

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teachermass shootingschildrenloveeducationtearssadnesshopeteachhoplessnesssafeemotionsstudents

Good Night

The gentle tingle of your electric finger down my spine

The wistful sigh of warm breath

The glow of deep soft lamplight and the

Caress of fresh clean sheets.


You tangle yourself up in me.

Our fingers twirl playfully, our heartbeats 

In rhythm. Ba doom, ba doom.

I feel a trickle of uncomfortable sweat down my clavicle, but the thereness outweighs my overheating body. 



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on the roof hawk chicks

secure at


floors high

nestle their mother

under bright sun


the male soar

free to hunt,

enquiring amber eyes seeing

colours we can't



disturb the

eyrie no

screams ascend or

smoke black as

seventy-one funerals

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safehawkcolourstwenty three floorsflameseyriescreamssmoke


Battle-hardened Sister Yvonne

Missed nothing

Double-checking mask, visor, gown


Colleagues, even

Consultants, relied on her to pin-point

Gaps in their armoury.

If anyone was safe from patients

She was.

After her shift last night she

Clocked off and

Walking to her car

Got hit by a taxi taking home a patient.

Reliable to the end

She did not troubl...

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A Sense of Security

Once left in solitary

now locked indefinately.

What had seemed safe

now rubbing the chains,

giving a bitter chafe.

At one point safety felt so free

the stray rescued is me

saved from the streets,

locked in a kennel til he meets.

The security was once appreciated 

arms fastened at the glove 

an anchor disguised as warmth and love.

this love can never be broken


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Arrive Alive


Road crashes are every minute 
Here and there, in every point 
More than a million killed a year 
And speed is death, no doubt 


“Drive Safely” is only choice 
ٍSafety belt, has no "price" 
Come back safe for the family 
We live "once", not twice 


Road is not real excuse 
But the behavior is a main cause 
For crashes all over that world 
No more anger .. no abuse

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Obsessed With You

I'm addicted to, all the

Things you do. The way

You look at me, make me

Breathe. I can face this now,

With you I now know how.

Your words enlighten me,

Your eyes, they help me see,

I've never felt this free.


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addicted to youfreefreedomloveunconditional lovelusthappysafehopestrengthgroundedenlightenedpoetrylove poemsromanticromancelove poetry

Blue moon

Eyes open as it must be reality 

The mind settles as the sun sets 

Allowing creative thoughts to surface

Glowing blue

In the sky I see you

Blue moon

You Appear with no sadness 

Beauty in the sky 

black out curtains

surrounding the moon

Fluoresces light 

Still pressing through

allowing me to dream

On this beautiful night

Big and blue



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