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Fragments of a Time That Dissolves

The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.

The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.

There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.

Nothing is whole,

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Previous skins

Five years ago flew by

Now, already remote

The rolling of the years

They’re already afloat

Your past self

Already a ghost


When you stand still

You begin to grieve your previous skins

Wonder why you had to forget and kill

Old personalities just to multiply new

So, you cling on to specific moments

Promise not to forget, you never will


But it is not uniqu...

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memorylifepresentpastfuturetensesjourneyagingnaturelivespreviouspast liferememberidentitybrainconnectionmemory lossforgetrebirthmomentghostyearsmeaninglet gohold on


I almost regret to write this poem

for fear it may vanish

flicker away like Evan's flame

scared of the voices

that murmurs that carry its name

across the wind

whispers of That


but it only lives for a little

hiding in plain sight

waiting to be noticed

so it may slip away

one more time


only to be invited back

by the warm, orange glow

of the everlas...

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Dusky Sunshine kissing mountain's meadow,

Like a Mother adoring her baby's enchanted glow...


Chirping birds flying as a tidal wave,

Pondering to whom shall we care...


Serene shadows of ever grateful trees,

Imposing us to find our Inner Peace


Being loved is a blessed boon,

A Hope of finding love is the race- half won...



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Journeylifelighthopecherishmomentsunshinepeacepeace of mindreal lifejourney of lifelife's journey

A Sigh

A sigh

a beautiful sunrise

the smell of lavender

the chill of winter

a sigh of love in my soul


in this moment

I live

I dream

I love

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دكتور عصافير (VET)




ريشه ناقصة في جناح عصفوره
إيه يعنى .. ماهـو ريشها كتيــــر
مش حيبــــــــان أبدا في الصورة
ولا حيــــكـون له كمــــــان تأثير

العصفــورة الشــــاطرة تفكــــــر
ربنا عنـــــــده كنــــــوز الخيـــر
لو تدعــــى ربنــــــــا يرزقـــــها
بدل الريشـــــة .. عشـــر قناطير

لكن العــصفــــورة المســكــيـنــة
وقـفـت تبـكـى بدون تفـكـيــــــــر
حتى اصحابها .. زعلوا عشانــها

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Looking Back

Present — past

Past — gone

Looking back and remembering the yesterdays

Is wrong.


Where is NOW?

Where is it?

Living in the THEN…

No, that’s not NOW, not it!


The ghost of yesterday

Is in mind

But looking back

Is the NOW you’ll never find.

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