Surreal (Remove filter)
I Walked Through A Tunnel
I walked through a tunnel
like a finger rubbing around
the inside of a wine glass
round and round
fround bround vround tround
round and round
through the tunnel as a funnel
speeding up
kround zround jround pround
I walked through a tunnel
down to the darkness
down and down
bown hown rown zown
down and down
round and round
dark and stark
I walked thro...
Tuesday 1st October 2024 7:12 am
Amphibious assumptions
Acuse us all
According to our actions
Aquatic astronauts evoke reaction
Architects assault
As antigen runs around
Amplfying aural aspects
As ants ascend
Awful attempts at assumptions
As words aren't affecting
Ashamed and arriving
Aren't you glad
As it all ends
Thursday 5th September 2024 3:35 pm
Alien Eyes
Alien Eyes
I see you there
Watching me now
Even facing away
You eyes reverse
Back of your head
How do you do that?
Are you an alien?
Saturday 20th November 2021 9:14 pm
ZANCE from my new book
A man who wants to be a God
Man only not a supernatural being?
Exactly what are you and why?
Man enough to dare to be a God
Nick Armbrister and other writers
Sunday 10th January 2021 9:36 pm
It will take time to adjust to this new reality
There will be good days and bad days on the way
Along with other pre-discerned times unmentionable
Where life will be Mad Max esque and totally lawless
What will I do at such times and what will life do to me?
Tea and biscuits with pals or robbing banks with sawn offs?
Or both...
Friday 8th June 2018 9:41 pm
you draw rust where heat’s been;
some passage of time;
life’s clouded outcomes;
weather or not we care.
you’re iron to me; blood strength.
took years to find you;
all: frame, hinge, key, arch;
allowing passage back.
Wednesday 11th October 2017 2:52 pm
The night
has some secrets.
It is still burning
in spite of
its deep burns.
It shows
it has received
It confuses us
with some
Thursday 22nd December 2016 4:46 pm
Pickles at dawn: The Ballad of Mustard Pickle
Pickles at dawn, pickles at dawn.
Don't let your father draw pickles at dawn.
Mustard Pickle is on the floor,
The Fish-Judge throws him smirks.
Their fruit is growing tentacles
And squeezes 'till it hurts.
The fruit unzips old onion skins
To bare the rotten flesh.
She sprays sour wounds with vinegar
To clothe the naked smell.
The fruit then puts on hy...
Sunday 12th June 2016 5:54 pm
Not the killing type (Part I)
I try not to question my humanity
and let me be damned,
but I’m not the killing type.
Only sometimes
I want to put out someone’s eyes
press them in or pluck them out
like the clear plastic baubles from a lifeless doll.
Like a force majeure,
rip the bricks from walls
watching architecture crumble and tumble
the relics of a past age fall,
flutter like shredded b...
Tuesday 23rd February 2016 10:10 am
I fell through my sofa last night,
found a dark place
where the dead collect
with old coins, crumbs
reminders, nail clippings,
the memories of lost souls.
It was a place of horror
and I fought back
to enter my sofa once more.
You might say it was imagined
just a dream
but who knows?
who cares?
Thursday 15th October 2015 5:37 pm
Abstract anxiety eats at razor thinned shins,
Anguish engulfs lost and last,
Previous pretenses portray pessimistic pain,
Friday 24th October 2014 5:09 pm
Oh, mighty planet of fire and of ice,
you are the bounty of life
and of all things ever made.
You belong in all worlds especially ours
where the frozen water at your poles
and the fire at your middle heart
make all life yours to control.
Creatures of fire swim in
seas of molten lava
while beings of ice glide
over infinite frozen ice la...
Sunday 7th July 2013 5:59 pm
dream sequence
Friday 1st March 2013 5:42 am
Alternative worldview as I sit on my throne,
trolleys in the car park only purpose to exist.
Tell me what is it like to be a pond?
See a mirror in your smooth serene exterior,
are you reeling inside under the surface like me?
Danger of drying up in summer stagnant stinking water.
Frozen solid two seasons later hard as stone.
Are you me or am I yo...
Friday 2nd November 2012 6:09 pm
The things I’ve seen will amaze a million people,
I have seen mountains of stone collapse into dust in a second and the power of the sea swallow up whole continents as if they were so many grains of sand in the tide.
I have seen the diversity of life on Planet Earth
from the dinosaurs to the aliens who will take over the world in three centuries’ time.
Monday 23rd April 2012 11:24 pm
Some of the weirdest shapes I’ve seen are hanging in the sky, a portent of things to come or so say the dark masters.
Are they here to protect us or to destroy us, to fill our lives with evil?
Iridescent colours cast their hue making shadows dance across the land.
In all the towns and cities the culturists plan their revenge to rid their domain of the dark m...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:55 pm
I know a guy who works in the power station shovelling coal into the big fat hungry generator to light up the local towns and cities with the light we all take for granted.
In his spare time he likes to dress as a snail and be spanked with a large alloy-spanking paddle till his snail shell is black and blue. He once nailed his bollox to a board an...
Sunday 25th December 2011 10:42 pm
Gonna jump into the pond in my garden
down towards forever.
I see it crystal clear shimmering
like the very air on a winter’s day.
Love hearts stuck onto fragile flesh
mark my passage but yours is time,
stands time, as water flows and light sparkles
as distance is unwanted, direction is unknown.
On my way to you, wonder idly,
are ...
Thursday 13th October 2011 11:53 pm
Monochrome images swirl and collide on the surface of my mind,
round and round they go through the loops and coils of my brain.
Slowly they submerse themselves in colour, so much colour more
than in a rainbow.
Every image and sight I have ever seen is in here all waiting to show
themselves when the time is right.
The alcohol I had earli...
Saturday 1st October 2011 3:13 pm
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