LIVERPOOL POETRY (Remove filter)
The Georgian Quarter
From stately Georgian houses
The summer evening fills
With Georgian ladies’ laughter
As they meet to dance Quadrilles
Their laughter tinkles down the years
From Hope and Rodney Street
On wreaths of smoke it gently steers
Their tiny Georgian feet
So delicate the tracery
Of plastered ceiling coves
Fanlights warmly candlelit
And Palladian porticoes
The city ...
Monday 30th October 2023 5:59 pm
Born in a city in the north west of the map
A city with the friendliest football devide
A place of magic on Merseyside
I was raised here
Praised here
Put down here
Gave birth here
Forever loved here
Forever inlove with here
Home of the Beatles
Cathedrals with steaples
The finest of peoples
Culture and art were ever you look
A helping hand if ever you're stuck
Our city of the ...
Sunday 7th March 2021 8:19 pm
Thou shalt pass the plate of brass
With felt to deaden the ring of coins
Or take the collection
In bag of leather or bowl of wood
Remembering to avert thine eyes
At the widows mite
And the rich man’s notes.
Thou shalt wear a smile
Of indifference
Even unto those who turn their heads
Or pass the parcel quickly to their neighbour
Or over th...
Friday 19th April 2019 10:39 pm
purple city
Red for love Blue for sky's
A tap full of tears a mothers eyes
Dry are the lids from mourning salt
Mothers world has come to a halt
Love for truth honesty and pride
Sky is were he lives mother dying inside
Red for anger blue for healing Anger for injustice and Grief and lies
Healing for the families of those in the sky's
Red is our blood Blue our veins
Vital to living in...
Tuesday 2nd April 2019 12:43 am
Pan of Scouse
Over many many years my life was in a mess
But these days I consider my life to be a big success
I don't have a lamborghini
I don't have a big house
All i want in life is a flat a cat and a big pan of scouse
I have now piece of mind that most millionaires don't have
The simple things i like are like sitting on the lav
I sleep with a clear conscience for I have done nothing wrong
I do exact...
Wednesday 19th December 2018 1:25 pm
(Benjamin West 1738-1820 – Walker Gallery, Liverpool)
Some think victory complete
Raising hats celebrating,
But others huddled solemnly
Around the pale figure
Know death is waiting,
That he only lingers awhile
To say farewell and to savour
A little of the triumph.
In the background a confusion
Of sails and streaming signal...
Saturday 8th April 2017 5:08 pm
Some of us never get to feel it
That magical moment
When you hit the ball just right
Or that high note
The one that shatters glass.
And we never experience
The thrill of discovery
As Lord Carnarvon
Staring into history
At the tomb of Tutankhamun.
But you had more than your share
Though you never looked for it
They say...
Friday 10th March 2017 10:47 pm
What moved them to throw caution to the wind
To break out of committee room and bar
Ignoring those who warned this was too far
Those who later condemned and said they'd sinned
What fearsome lightning their resolve confirmed
To face artillery and armoured car
What deafening thunder what shooting star
Incited rebellion, what fire that burned
In bra...
Monday 16th January 2017 10:07 am
(Wrecked off Moelfre, Anglesey 1859)
From Melbourne to Liverpool bound
in less than fifty eight days, by sail
and steam the Royal Charter comes
via Queenstown in Ireland and around
the Skerries with cargo of wool and hides
weighted with golden dust and coins
from fortunes made in a far off land.
To Moelfre’s razor rocks on Anglesey coast
a total...
Thursday 28th April 2016 1:09 pm
(1941-2016. Jefferson Airplane)
Don’t you want…
Something different from those straight singers,
Fresh faced kids in suits or beach wear;
Something better than a Willy Loman future,
War in Vietnam and conscription;
Soldiers with guns on campus
And the politicians
The ones you wouldn’t…
Somebody to love…
Yeah she was a banker’s daughter
Oh man, but her voice
Monday 1st February 2016 9:55 pm
After Mass
you would walk us
to the newsagent
in your Sunday best
with waistcoat,
watch chain
and monogrammed
As you chatted
over the papers
Sunday Times
with News of the World
hidden inside
we each chose a gift.
I reme...
Thursday 17th December 2015 10:42 am
In the front row ready to watch Hamlet
I stretch out my legs contentedly
“These are the best seats and the cheapest
You can see everything from here”
Says the guy next to me
“It’s like being part of the action”
I nod politely
The ghost doesn't appear
We have to imagine him
At the back of the theatre
So we swivel our heads
Tuesday 13th October 2015 8:14 pm
Not the TV host with a brazen giggle
Winding up the gormless on ‘Blind Date’
Or tugging tears on ‘Surprise Surprise’
Nor the glittering star, clutching champagne
In morose interviews after Bobby’s death
Her grief bubbling up
Pressing behind aching eyes
But the fragile, stick thin girl
Trembling on stage
Warmed only by a single
And cruel spotlight
Picking out every contour
Sunday 2nd August 2015 10:19 pm
Almost a year after he died
I’m wearing my father’s watch
Automatic, Swiss, 1947
I looked it up on line
The local old fashioned jeweller
Says it’s a very nice watch
Leave it alone, don’t mess with it
Just wear it all the time
It has old fashioned ways
A turn before bed, another
In the morning and one
Just about midday
Although automatic
It needs the attention
Thursday 9th July 2015 11:54 pm
This is a chisel of precise age unknown
With handle smoother than the skin
Of a child. I have sharpened the blade
By rubbing it on stone. Feel its bite.
This is a wood plane given to me
By an old man who had it
From his father. Their spirits guide
My hands. Feel its weight.
This is a machine I bought myself
Under its skin of shiny plastic
Is an...
Wednesday 11th March 2015 10:37 am
Once there were three offices here
One north, one south
And the regional one above
First time I visited
‘Chelsea Girl’ was below
A security guard stood on duty
Just inside our entrance
They say he sold fruit and veg
When the bosses weren’t looking
Later other shops
Occupied ground and first
If you didn’t take the lift
You could hear their ...
Friday 6th February 2015 10:29 am
That snow white Vauxhall Cresta
With its red leather seats
And stunning chromium bumpers
Flashing through the town streets
In the front passenger seat
I waved to friends going by
As dad raced the engine
Keeping the rev counter high
That pure white Vauxhall Cresta
With its iconic look
A classic sixties motor
The best one in the book
The pu...
Monday 16th June 2014 6:23 pm
We wonder amongst the ruins
Rusting trucks and cutting gear
Severed cables protruding
From weathered walls
And the pit head wheel
Still proud above us
Preserved temporarily
By municipal crumbs
And volunteer labour
Only open occasionally
For public inspection
We whisper questions
Here the miners lamps
Here the cramped cage
...Sunday 20th April 2014 3:36 pm
This faded slab stands to commemorate
David Lewis of ‘The Conqueror’ late
A Montgomery man ‘The Old Commodore’
Who served under Nelson in times of war
Then as a harbourmaster in peacetime
A grand old seadog not far past his prime
Here in Aberystwyth he lived and died
His watchful eye always on the tide
In this peaceful town on Cardigan Bay
He dropped...
Sunday 23rd March 2014 7:50 pm
This man won medals for bravery
Served in a world war
Mourned for his dead comrades but never
Complained about it
Came home, collected his demob suit
Walked away whistling
Determined to make the best of it
This other man lost a limb, didn’t care
That you would notice
Completed his education then
Went on to hack it
Never asked for...
Friday 15th November 2013 8:21 pm
Sing me a lullaby
Of breaking glass
The click of stilettoes
As they pass
The scrape of Cuban heels
On paving stones
Sing me a lullaby
Of drunken groans
Rock me to the rhythm
Of lovers moans
Leave the light on downstairs
As darkness falls
Sing me a lullaby
Of cats on walls
Police sirens outsi...
Sunday 6th October 2013 9:42 pm
a mouthful of a name
meeting of two rivers
that flow into the sea
youthful memories of
a town still tugging
at my sleeve like
the hauling of nets
bursting with fish
the smell of diesel
and blood on the
harbour wall
all caravans and students,
churches, castles, seagulls,
soggy ice creams,
postcards, monuments
Sunday 1st September 2013 5:27 pm
This is Pros and Coms
Hi Every body.. we recently did an interview with Bay Tv Liverpool. If u r ever in Lark Lane on Thursdays pop in Its Free entry.
Check out the videoMonday 13th May 2013 1:00 pm
Make it a date with Ralph Killey
Make it a date at 8pm this Thursday with The PENNY LANE POET Vinyl Bar 88-90 Lark Lane
Monday 13th May 2013 12:52 pm
Make it a date at 8pm
Monday 13th May 2013 12:48 pm
A shot of espresso
With hot water
That’s Americano
So much larger
If you want to linger
To take it all in
The cup like a soup bowl
Saucer like a plate
Steam rising before me
Strong aroma
Of roasted coffee beans
A soothing blackness
O Americano
How I love you
How I long to feel your heat
And your bi...
Saturday 6th April 2013 6:11 pm
Impatient springtime
caressing the shore line
under a watercolour sky,
gentle white tipped
blue waves with breezes
blowing in our ears
whispering of warmth,
teasing us to put away
colder morning memories,
urging the shedding of
woollen scarves and the
lengthening of dog leads.
Copyright(c)David Subacchi.2012
Friday 15th March 2013 11:36 pm
My one day friend, Mark
To Liverpool
Wednesday 6th March 2013 8:19 pm
What starts as romance
Ends up as routine
With variations
For years in between
Anonymous cards
Carefully picked verse
Until you just sign
For better or worse
And each time you try
To write your own lines
You find out how hard
Are good Valentines.
Copyright(C)David Subacchi 2013
Sunday 17th February 2013 1:48 pm
Is this the final indignity
Your royal bones in the common view
Your curved spine exposed to mockery
Collected from a Leicester car park
Was defeat at Bosworth not enough
Thrown from your horse into a field of blood
Betrayed by those in whom you trusted
Wounded by a bard’s cruel fantasies
Richard last of the Plantagenets
Where ...
Tuesday 5th February 2013 10:35 pm
Introducing Pros&Coms
HI Everyone,
We are Pros and Coms and are new to Write Out Loud. We were told this is were the cool poets hang out and we want to hang with you. From time to time we have 5 poetry slots on our bill if you are from liverpool and the surrounding area we would invite you to be a part of it. At the minute the only reward we can offer are the sound of clapping from our lovely audience. So please...
Saturday 19th January 2013 9:11 pm
Goodness Gracious - a video poem by Ged Thompson
Sunday 6th January 2013 1:49 am
Un café e un limoncello
A coffee and a limoncello
Dopo il pranzo
After dinner
Un café e un limoncello
I am captivated by ritual
For me food and drink
Have to mean something
Dopo il riso , dopo il vino
Per piacere, please
Un café e un limoncello
After the rice, after the wine
There’s plenty of time
For a ...
Thursday 3rd January 2013 8:26 pm
Recent Comments
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Rick Varden on Anecdotal Atributes
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Marla Joy on Eyes
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on If We Had Won The War
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on "Love's the Bomb"
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Steve White on If We Had Won The War
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on If We Had Won The War
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Nigel Astell on Charcoal City
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on The balloon's gone up
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