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Animal (Remove filter)

Spiritual Anima

human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity


thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child

more so

than the inward hatred from a negative mentality

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the 5th kitten

4 little kittens went to see their mommy

anger, desperation, hope and beauty

the first one was to reach the light, but then appeared another cat in its way

she got so mad he was there, that she didn’t move at day

she thought I would rather stay here for a thousand years

than get a step closer for him to see my weak display of tears

then desperation reached anger’s cries 

and t...

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Completely New

It’s usually said 

sometime with dread

when excited there’s no head


and that’s very true 

the brain often flew

wanting something new


can’t stay still very long

I’m up and quickly gone

feeling wonderfully strong 


I’m a child of eight 

who wont stop even at a gate

for this is going to be GREAT!!


and should you be able to stay 

lots of fun co...

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Silly dove

Pecking and struggling,
movements so frantic.
One piece too taxing,
the other not worth it. 

So hard work you pick
devoting all your strength 
to the oh so desired bit
as it avoids your attempts.

Until finally,
exhaustion and discontent
are what you're left with.

Stupid thing.
Instead of practicing yourself in modesty,
choosing the more compatible.

Disappontedly, you spread y...

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animalbirdfree formfree versegreedsillyhumans


Cute and fluffy sweet little face

runs away when you start to chase

love to nibble on his kibble

runs around so much fun 

wants you to give him ferret one

eats his eggs of a dish

enjoys a piece of fish

have to get up what's my rush?

Alexander's knocked over the toilet brush

comes in the kitchen when you cook

play with him and he'll dook dook dook

after playing for ...

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My Old Dog

She is 17 years old,

How many dog years is that?

She is grey around the muzzle.

Very little body fat.

Chicken carcass fills her skin,

So fragile and so weak.

Blind blue opaque eye,

Her temperament so meek. 

She sleeps stretched out,

Small brittle arthritic bone.

She twitches as she sleeps,

Time left now is life on loan.

She sleeps so soundly,

this warm summer...

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Becks Poem (Mistaken Identity)

I wrote this for my now fiance not long after we first started seeing each other after her love for cats (and her tongue in cheek insistance she was one) inspired me to start writing again, after maybe 5 years of not picking up a pen.  I recently proposed to her through a series of short poems taking us on a treasure hunt around Edinburgh looking for J K Rowling inspired landmarks, but that's anot...

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The Life of a Bull

The life of a bull is never dull
I am always kept on the hop
Told to go from cow to cow
- There's never a chance to stop
The life of a bull is never dull
The finest food I am always eating
And my cousins in Spain, it's very plain
Give the matadors a beating
The life of a bull is never dull
So, I never get in a strop
I write the odd song and a poem or two
Though, I admit, t...

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ANIMAL CRACKERS (aka "You Dirty Rat, Ewe!")

Can a cat be a rat -

Or a cockroach a louse?

Could a sheep get a name as a cow?


Can a dog be a swine,

Or an elephant a mouse?

Could a hen be a fowl-tempered sow?


Can a mare be a nag -

Or a carthorse an ass?

(This is getting a bit odd, I'll allow).


Can a hornet be fly -

Or a snake be a grass?

(To your better judgement, I'll bow).


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