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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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I Think About You









I think about

you every day.


I may not

write or

I may not

say, "Hey"!


But I think

about you

every day.

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Haiku About Poetry

I don't have a job

But if I did I would quit

And write poetry

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About Jamaica

He lights his cigarette, I prepare to share it,

just so his lungs could see less tar. 

He’s in a reflective mood; I can tell by the way
the flame emerged from his lighter
red and tenderly squirmed like a worm in a furnace.

He holds my gaze as the flame faints back in its tank
drags on the cigarette, slowly tilts his head back. 

I ever tell you the story about the mang...

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Poe JazziPiPJamaicaAboutpoetrypoetRaymond Antrobuspoem

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