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R A Porter on Father's Day
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You leave me lost for words even when my thoughts aren’t pacing.


I just want you to call me mi amor, grab me, then have my heart racing. 


Though often I wonder, is it unrequited love that I am chasing? 


But I would risk it all for you —  even spend an eternity waiting.

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For a long time you felt that you were weak

For a long time you felt that you weren't loved, that you didn't belong

Too emotional, too many feelings, 

How could anyone or anything ever love the broken human you'ved become

How could anyone see the beautiful you trying to emerge from the dark

For a long time you felt that you were weak

Too emotional, too many feelings, you deserved...

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To love me

It's so simple to love me; 

just being beside me,

feeling the warmth of your hands,

your kisses melting on my lips

such as my letters melt

between ink and paper 


To love me is to share the prelude of my longings, 

your feverish caresses between kisses and dew, 

to see my dreams reflected in your eyes;

to hand me a rose, 

to whisper an I love you


To love m...

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How much I loved you

Perhaps from a distance

my love is not strange to you;

this passion may be a punishment

and not even have the fortune to see you again


I look for you in my fingerprints

in indelible memories;

I discover that everything was a mistake

of bitter remembrances and misunderstandings


This long wait is a punishment that chokes me to death;

wishing to have you with me


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Remember me!

In silence I recall the encounter,

passion written in letters I still keep

and in a desolate corner of some dream

I embrace the loneliness I had to accept


Remember me in the depths of your thoughts, 

treasuring that moment

that without laid out rules,

I wrote my verses

of you next to me


In the nights most of all,

with joy and melancholy,

I am reminded of ...

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How much I loved you

Perhaps from a distance

my love is not strange to you;

this passion may be a punishment

and not even have the fortune to see you again


I look for you in my fingerprints

in indelible memories;

I discover that everything was a mistake

of bitter remembrances and misunderstandings


This long wait is a punishment that chokes me to death;

wishing to have you with me


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The Misted Pane



I passed by a window

Where an old man smiled 

and misted up the dirty pane


Behind his eyes the sadness showed 

of every steep & rocky road

He'd had to climb


Next day I thought I'd call on him

And out he came

So pale and thin

-but with that smile


And graceful guile 


He said


in my mind, 

I'm as free as a summer breeze


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Lizard Love

amid starlight she reposes

my life's in her lizard face

that library of dusty looks

records my fall from grace


she took the best from me

sucking me dry every day

each wrinkle taunting me

dry pointers to my decay


I pray she does not wake

no pity runs in my veins

but violation at the sight

of what sleep she feigns


she's a monument to loss


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El Corazón

He lit mi corazón like wildfire, 

It ignited something within. 

I feel this burning desire, 

Whenever I’m with him. 


Loco con lujuria and now i’m addicted, 

Y yo amo the taste of his skin. 

But we are always restricted thus I’m conflicted, 

Is this actually a grave sin?

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The Man in the Mirror

Woke this morning
with fuzzy words coming into focus and replaying,
the leftovers of an unfinished dream.

I heard this phrase whisper,
"business-like relationships from
business-like communication..."

Often, the strange thought-flashes
upon waking are only a jumble of junk
that fizzle away into nothingness.
But, this time, I fixated on the idea.

Right then, it occurred to me
that ...

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Tuī hé lā

I was the ocean and he was the moon, 

Nature's opposites yet love would sprout soon.

As I push against his gravitational pull 

Though on my axis, my heart's orbit falls. 

Quite often I am his biggest challenge,

But as the ying to his yang he fixes this imbalance.


My spirit soul mate who facilitates my flow, 

Through the high and low tides our love for one another shows.


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No Need to Talk of Love

No need to talk of love

Some things are better left unsaid


I didn’t tell you then

And I can hardly tell you now

Although some days I find the thought hanging on my lips


Deep inside I’ll say the words

I can see them like hot breath on a cold night

Though I can’t say them out loud


Better to wait for darker days

For eulogies perhaps,

For talking about the ...

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lovelove poetry

Speedway Boy

she seemed like the genuine article

the woman I could love and respect

far from my previous experiences

which were what you might expect


I was a roamer and a schemer

bouncing off women like a ball

on a speedway of hit and miss

love was not on the radar at all


at first glance she was different

quality in the areas that matter

but with a je ne sais quois that


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This winter afternoon

Everything is calm

Everything is silence around me

I only listen to my thoughts

And the inevitable noise

coming from the heater.


I am sitting, staring at nothing



Deep wounds bleed again

Hard times come to me

Long sleepless nights

Wild parties

Expensive trips

Sad and old songs

Therapies, books, movies and...

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Train Ride Home

inspired by The Last Night of Your Trip

on the train ride home 
your smile flashed between buildings, 
lights flickered and i couldn’t tell 
if it was the spark in your eye 
or the streetlights beaming 
onto the dark streets. 

i saw your smile and your hand
reaching for mine, 
those bedroom eyes 
that whispered “bring me 
to your hotel.” 

we weren’t made for cheap 
sex, we were ...

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To love deeply is like wearing your heart on the outside of your body
Protect it like you would a baby
Protected not smothered
Be gentle oh fragile one's Hearts
Be careful with the heart of another
If broken I fear that this time this Heart may never recover

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Alien Love

I know, somewhere, on the other side of the Universe,

An alien man and an alien woman seek

Love.  Light could not guide their course –

They did not have eyes; they could not see.

They had genuine intentions, they always did,

A family or whatever it is called there.

They would count every single beat

Of their hearts if they could only hear.

They were married.  They would nev...

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universealienslovelifemetaphysical poetry

Tango of Snowflakes

Our first snow in so many years…

Can you believe it?

See the white coat that our life wears?

Let’s just go out and live it.

I will not watch life through the keyhole

Hypnotized by the view,

When I can finally touch your soul

And tango with you.

I’ve grown deaf in the spring rain,

In the summer heat,

But now when it snows again,

I hear your heartbeat.

The snowfla...

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lovesnowflakewinterlife path

We Run Like Water

I'm a reptile

But I'm warmer 

When I'm with you

You stir something in me

Like I'm always on the edge of something

There’s a chemical reaction between us

It makes me feel like static energy 

Could we really be the result of chance?

Can chance pull like a magnet?

Or is this kismet?


It runs fast, long, rife

It is our double life

We share a secret world t...

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Romanceexcitementchemistrynew beginningsbeginningdouble lifesecond selfsecret worldintenseedgechemicalchancefatekismetown planetour planetrunrun like waterspinningfastversions of ourselveslovesecretrelationshipnever ending

The Unsettled Man


I came upon a man, unsettled

Wandering a barren land

He'd lost his hope and joy somewhere

So, I took his trembling hand


I told him I had lost my heart

And my soul had flown away

But, together, perhaps, we could find

A better place to stray


We came across a weeping girl

With skin of obsidian black

Her flesh was torn and gaping red

Where the wh...

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Mi Anemone

A warmth in her blossomed,

He made her smile from her heart. 

She was too scared to tell him,

So she played the friendship part. 






He stole her affection, like a thief in the night

Unknowingly planting the seed, but she forbid it to see the light. 

Though feelings had already begun to sprout from within,

Her exterior shell then cracked, it...

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Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac


Explaining you about my sexuality won't help
Explaining you about my existence won't help
Thought you are my buddy, will get me without explaining much.
I am just a bit different, can't you get this much.

I know you have a life partner to share all your tensions,
And wanted me to be happy, and feel all that emotions,
But I am happy just by myself,
You again and again telling me what to do...

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Hey There Valentine

Hey there Valentine
Give me a sign
Can I put my trust in you
Lay it all on the line
Reflecting past romances
They have all turned out bad
But it feels like love is in the air
And it makes me feel glad
Feeling thankful for your loving
All the things that you do
Feeling thankful for the feeling
Of just me and you
So hey there Valentine
I think it's a sign
Let’s walk together side by si...

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Taking Off The Jacket

A comfort zone is like an old jacket

Worn it for too many years

It doesn’t quite fit anymore and definitely looks tired

Shabby and worn out

Carrying on being worn because it’s comfortable

Now is always the best time to leave comfort traps


Stretching horizons

Stretching ourselves

Waking as the sun rises on a new place today

The thrill of travel




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All That I Am (Power To Decide)

 What we have may be decided by many things
 But we alone control what we will be.
 We are how we act.
 If the power to affect what we are and what we do exists at all
 It comes from us alone, and is given and taken wherever we choose.


 I am not magnetic, 
 Money shall have no power over me.

 I am not eternal. 
 Time shall have no power over me.

 I am not blind to the wo...

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meditationall that I ampowerloveself-determination

I am the Painter

Ujjal Mandal, India

I paint the reality
With the color of dream;
Oh dear, you are my dream and
I am the painter of us!

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Lovetrue love


Joy and madness entwined around our souls.

Our bodies entwined around each other.

Our hearts, given to each other, shattered.

Our worlds forever changed.

I search for you or is it the illusion of you.

You haunt me - in my dreams, in the darkness, under my covers.

Passion burned while it burned us.

We burned together.

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My Home

I was destined to meet you,

And yet I had no clue.

You were the missing part to my smile,

The one who would walk with me, the length of The Nile.

With you I found my inner peace and joy,

The true love that no power will destroy.

Together I want to travel the roads to Rome,

And forever make you my home... 

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Lonesome Backwoods

In the lonesome backwoods behind our vintage house

We buried our souls deep just to have ghosts around.


But phantoms, they startle, howl, scream and weep

Way past their bedtimes because the night doesn’t seep

Into their cavities where they safeguard our souls,

Still glowering in caskets of gold.


And that’s what they’ll ever be-

Fossilized memories,

Vessels of love...

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For Clare

Nightmares diminish in the depths of my dreams

As the sun breaks the mournful night

The day envelopes the lonesome sky

Darkness open it’s wings and takes flight


The beauty of the dew, sparkling in the light

The warmth of the radiated heat

The splendour of life marching forth

In comparison is a futile feat


For the beauty of a beginning 

Can never compare to the ...

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have you seen Love?

I've never seen Love so close before. Until I did. Love is beautiful, she is strong too. Love carries the world almost all by herself. I always admired her from afar, i've seen her in the TV's or on the radio. Love seems like she can concure anything and everything. I've seen Love in coffee shops, or walking the dim lighted streets. Again I always admired her, I was so scared to meet her. Until I ...

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A Certain Valentine

To My Valentine -- V V


  Our love is very patient
      we crave to share always
        & we are very confident
       we can make our ardor blaze
      when we show we are competent
     our desire becomes a craze
      our energy feels omnipotent
       we flex our passion plays--
        our mighty dance is fervent
         we imitate ballets
        & when our force is final...

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lovelove and romancevalentine

We Sat There


Two vacant park benches
under an old gray pine
are slate and damp
with dingy mold,
moss & pine needles
coat cracked seats
& tables crisscrossed
by mucus slug-trails–
A gray squirrel grips a stray
acorn between razor teeth
to sit and nibble under chilly
ashen bowers; this somber
winter day of the newborn
year. We sat there.

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longingmissed opportunitylove

The Dilemma

So much to learn,yet not much to say...
So much to yearn,yet heart betrays...
So much to unravel,yet that mystery to entice...
So much to admit,yet so hesitant to recite..
So much to ask,yet replies are forbidden..
So much to seek,yet beauty lies in the hidden....

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Painful embers stab the dark

Of pain too rich to bear

Callous flames, beguile a heart

Left stained by acrid air

Dreams denied by rancid thoughts

On lips too vain to care

Lifetimes lost in frozen eyes

A soul beyond repair

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Helter Skelter

Climb the steps, one by one

Feel the breeze refresh me

Hands can nearly touch the sun

Golden rays drip down around me 


Love and splendour encases my heart

With the world shining out all its glory

A brand new day, a glimmering start

New beginnings, new days, new story


Top of the slide, secure on the mat

Fluttering lungs fill up with excitement

The world whizz...

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I'd always been part of you

It was me whose glimpse you caught


Turning around the corner,

Wishing to go unnoticed.

It was me you felt

Sifting through your fingers

Like sand at dusk,

Sitting alone on the shore...

It was me you smelled

Walking through the autumn orchards,

Through the sunlit prairies,

Through the second-hand bookstores.

It was me you tasted,

When you bit an unexp...

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I Don't Hate You, I Hate Myself

I don't hate you. I love you.
I hate myself.

I hate myself for putting up with the abuse.

I hate myself for wasting so many years with someone I have to continually beg to love me.

I hate myself for believing the mental abuse.

I hate myself for feeling sad everytime you cuss at me. Everytime you belittle me. Everytime you embarrass me.

Everytime you let others disrespect me.


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Don't judge me with your bitterness.

Don't care how you dress.

To me, it doesn't matter who you kiss.


Love is a philosophy, not an activity.

Don't force your adjectives on me.

My acceptance is on the content of your character.

Selfishness is the only way you know how to care.


The way you walk through life. 

It is like walking on the edge of a knife.

Cutting awa...

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Broken feeling all alone

The dark surrounds you and all is still 

Time stops ticking 

Your heart no longer wants to beat, it no longer wants to live 

You hear a voice whisper 

You hear a voice call your name 

You fall on your knees close your eyes and pray 

You feel his strength 

You hear his voice say , "No more!"

God says , "Rise and grow!"

Have COURAGE to let go......

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brokennessCouragedarknessfaithgodhealingheartbreaklovetroubled heart

Dear Mum

Here's a little something i'd like to dedicate to my mum <3 


Dear Mum,

Your smile was warmer than the sun.

A glow that now twinkles amongst the stars,

Every time I look up, I forget all the scars.


I remember our long walks,

All those calls with endless talks.

You were my beacon of positivity,

My foundation and stability.


With every passing cloud,

I prom...

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Days began and nights would turn

Through endless cycles of despair

The living dream, compelled by hope,

Carried away and lost in ethereal life. 


Shattered byways that led to want and love

Broken by lies and embittered deceit

With the emptiness rotting inside. 


Frustration abounded and sank In my heart

Fulfilment seemed to slip through fingers

As the quicksand o...

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Where To Look?

Pondering the question…

How to be inspired?

Meditating, dreaming

Mind works overtime looking for the answer

Information meltdown time


Taking a quiet moment…looking around seeing anew


It’s in every life goes on….and yet here we have nature

Nature still manifesting as the ultimate expression of art in motion

What could be more inspiring?



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The Gentle Birdsong Calling of Spring

it's right underneath,

brewing under my chest

this quiet whisper circling-

not spiraling downwards as 

i often tend to, but in a way a

gentle breeze swirls a handful

of leaves and they flutter away.

there's an inquisitive nature 

to it where there is somehow a

sense of magic at hand, and yet

somehow there must be a reason

to it all. a scientific process that 


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Sometimes I wonder if you ever loved me

I wonder if you ever felt the way I felt for you

Sometimes I wonder why you stayed by my side so long 

Why did you watch my light slowly die

And then blamed me when it was all gone

Sometimes I wonder why did you fall in love with someone else when you had somone by your side who gave you all her life who gave you her heart

Then I realize th...

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lightself loveterrorheart breaklovebrokenfaithprayrelationshipgodsadhatelove and hate

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