The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Unsettled Man


I came upon a man, unsettled

Wandering a barren land

He'd lost his hope and joy somewhere

So, I took his trembling hand


I told him I had lost my heart

And my soul had flown away

But, together, perhaps, we could find

A better place to stray


We came across a weeping girl

With skin of obsidian black

Her flesh was torn and gaping red

Where the whip had left its tracks


She said, I fear you think my skin

Is weaker than your own

We kissed her wounds and held her tight

For we are all just flesh and bone


We wandered far, hand in hand 

Discarding footprints of our sorrows

A chain of flesh to plough the earth

And sow seeds for new tomorrows


Soon we were a hundred strong

And then a thousand fold

All colours, creed and persuasions

Breaking oppressive moulds


We fought with love instead of hate

To suppress benighted crowds

Turned rifles to wisteria

And missiles into clouds 


And laid beneath the golden sun

Our utopia took its shape

And for many an enlightened year

We siphoned of its wake


Forests grew, and flowers bloomed 

As humanity regaled in bliss

We foraged hope, nurtured love

And hate we did not miss


But minds become forgetful

To the seeds of jealousy

And they sprout and grow like weeds

In the world's periphery


And they grew until the earth cracked open

With repressed, volcanic release

And fire and smoke blotted the sun

And choked our world of peace


They gouged our eyes, flayed our skin 

And beat us to the ground

Mercy and compassion 

Were no-longer to be found


But one of us escaped

On bloody knees and trembling hands

He became a man, unsettled

Wandering barren lands.



© Stephen W Atkinson 2020




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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 18th Feb 2021 17:39

Thanks for the comment, John. And, yes, it would be a handy trick wouldn't it!

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John Coopey

Thu 18th Feb 2021 08:05

I must have missed this first time round, Stephen. Uplifting and hopeful. I particularly like the lines “turned rifles to wisteria and missiles into clouds”.

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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 17th Feb 2021 22:55

Forgot to thank everyone taking time to read & for hitting the like button. So... thanks! ?

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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 17th Feb 2021 20:12

Thank you for your lovely comment Erika! Much appreciated
And Thank you also Julie, I'd deleted it off here, so gave it a tweak & thought I'd repost. ( Or possibly, I just couldn't be bothered to think of a new poem ) ?

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Erika Montoya

Wed 17th Feb 2021 14:43

Beautiful poem.... Always that there is a man with good intentions we will keep our hope

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julie callaghan

Wed 17th Feb 2021 06:28

Thank you for this sharing this again. Wonderful.

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