global warming (Remove filter)
The Last of Us
Alone I stand in the trough of a hill,
Limbs all battered, green fingers they'e ill
Deep marks on my body from battles of old
I long to give shelter to those, from the cold
My brothers have fallen, lost to an age
Men with sharp axes to gather a wage
Shaped into buildings and even the wheel
A land lost now lost to concrete and steel
The green places have gone, all lost to time,
No ch...
Sunday 14th April 2024 7:09 pm
Piñata Earth
Mother nature painted you by hand
Blue swirls traced along your land
A wonderous heaven lost to nature
May you still yet hopefully have a future?
You sway innocently in a dead void
Whille your cost of living is toiled
The aliens still infect you
Spewing out the innocence that held you
You are a blue green marble
A child's tale, a cherished fable
But waiting ...
Wednesday 20th March 2024 3:08 pm
When the days become nights
In an alternate reality far away
The dying earth was left astray
By the ignorance and apathy of its people
Causing an ecological ripple
The days became nights
And the world succumbed to endless riots
Hunger became the unwelcomed kin
And then came death, its clingy twin
Tales of the glorious past
Were a painful reminder
Of days when the sun was kinder
And ...
Sunday 18th February 2024 11:42 am
In the beginning, God [early draft]
And in that first wailing cry my ashes were ordained:
As the ocean acknowledges its horizon,
knows infinity's finite edge
so my cry knew a destiny
knew my play and my learning
my work, my leisure, my sleep
the evil of my hands and the goodness of my heart
my loves, my hates, my pleasures.
Knew my world: that tiny flesh held all my futures
and in those fragile bones resid...
Friday 14th July 2023 12:32 pm
Global Warming Haiku 37
old piano keys;
crumbling in our fingers.
coastline vanishes.
(From a currently untitled forthcoming book which may also have a cowriter too)
Tuesday 3rd January 2023 8:18 am
in this empty stadium I'm being chased
pursued by something I struggle to see,
I smell a hunter's breath alien and rank
if there was one nearby I'd climb a tree
its dusk now and the circuits are endless
he surmounts hurdles with an easy glee
his dark vest sports no national colours
night falls, I need the floodlights to see
its been like this now for several years
...Sunday 8th August 2021 10:56 am
Ghost Of Eden
Tides surge pristine and blue
Waves topple free of plastic
Fishing nets lack dolphins
Isobars miles from drastic
Global warming a bad dream
The atmosphere crystal clear
Mass extinctions a fairy story
Kids' horizons free from fear
Clear skies without toxins
Greenhouse gas banished
All molecules of fossil fuel
Gone, coal just vanished
Global warming...
Monday 21st September 2020 11:00 am
Call It What It Is
Heatwaves radiating across the country,
common occurrences every summer
now occurring every season.
Summer stretches long into Fall,
makes a cameo during Winter
And begins earlier every Spring.
It’s a heatwave, they say.
No, it’s global warming.
No, it’s now called climate change, haven’t you heard?
No, that’s all fake news.
It’s only a heatwave, you see.
...Friday 21st August 2020 4:46 pm
We've Never Had Water Here Anyway
As originally published with Clay Literary's Raven:
‘Neath the blistering heat, California poppies cast
themselves to the hillside sun as wayward children
start to lose their breath, as you now fight for yours,
running to chase the summer blues away.
The young and old all begin to fail; heatwaves
take the lun...
Thursday 20th August 2020 7:50 pm
Climate Catastrophe: Pandemic and Pestilence
Epidemiologists and public health ethicists have been grappling for some time with the near certainly of widespread disease pandemics resulting from climate change. Changes in non-human animal migration and human migration will bring extant pathogens to new populations as warming releases long dormant pathogens on the world once again. Large swaths of the population could be wiped out in an incred...
Tuesday 7th May 2019 1:55 pm
Climate Catastrophe: The Reckoning
Before the reckoning,
The water was like glass.
We would glide
Across the surface,
Staring into the deep
As naïve as a recently
Birthed Godzilla,
Never knowing what
Destruction our
Mutation might bring.
Saturday 4th May 2019 3:02 am
Autumn Thoughts
Black steel
curling wrought iron
Beneath me
coffee steam
and noise
and a poet
sits talking
his foot jiggling
as he gesticulates
autumn sun
shines on wet roofs
and casts
tree shadows
on house walls
the sea is rising
London sinks
Sunday 7th October 2018 9:41 am
Poetic linings
We need to weave the silvery strands
of poetry that line life's thunder clouds
into a canopy to cover all humanity.
For I fear the storm that I see coming
and that we may not have seen
the worst of it quite yet.
Monday 13th June 2016 9:47 am
Speak The Unspeakable
Speak The Unspeakable
Hi, I'm called Tim.
I’m writing this today
to make you all uncomfortable,
to rock your peace of mind.
I'm here to shock you,
here to mock your carbon hungry ways.
Expect no civil platitudes,
no reassuring lies.
I'm here to whack your attitudes,
dynamite your lassitude.
At times I'll be a little rude
- it's all for your own good!
...Monday 16th November 2015 9:56 pm
Six Degrees
At one degree the western plains
of the US will be starved of rain,
Bankrupted farmers will pack up and flee
as desert restakes its claim.
There'll be no ice cap on the Arctic,
we'll lose the rivers of Kilimanjaro,
and frost that keeps the Alps secure
won't do it any more.
The Barrier Reef will bleach and die,
mountain animals will reach the sky
chasing the cool, and those that can't f...
Saturday 17th October 2015 1:30 pm
Is It Warm In Here?
Is It Warm In Here?
Is it warm in here, or is it me?
I used to live inland
and couldn’t see the sea,
now the salty brine
is up above my knees.
Is it warm in here, or is it me?
Is it warm in here, or is it you?
Polar bears are sunbathing.
Penguins don’t know what to do
because all the ice has gone
along with the igloos.
is it warm in here, or is it you?
Is it warm in here, or is ...
Tuesday 17th February 2015 6:12 pm
The Sun's Mythology
The sun is not a person.
The sun does not remember
its past, does not mourn
its future as a shrunken dwarf;
does not care for its planets
or their inhabitants
though in some sense
the sun is probably their parent.
The sun does not worry
about what other stars may think
as it runs a path through the teeming universe.
The sun is not a god.
Saturday 10th November 2012 1:12 pm
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