The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

inner strength (Remove filter)

The Power of Being You! - Stand Strong And Be You

This poem challenges the myth of inherent greatness in those who rise to prominence and reminds us that success often comes from luck, influence, or fear—not brilliance or charm. It inspires readers to value their uniqueness, silence doubt, and pursue their own path with determination and pride.

Do you feel small, unseen, unheard?

Does the world seem tilted, its justice absurd?


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self-worthindividualityresilienceovercoming doubtsuccess and luckinner strengthfinding purposechallenging perceptions


I’m sorry to disappoint you

That I can be too sweet and so weak

And yet I can be cold and cruel too

That I can completely snap to my core

And morph into a creature of different sorts

I’m sorry that I’m not white or black

Or immaculate

Or of any matter 

For that fact

I’m not anything 

At all

Not wholly whole

You see,


Has been my superpower 


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uniqueselfselfhoodidentityfreedomindependenceliberationgrowthhealinghappinessreflectionunderstandingmatureemotioninner strengthmove onsinglepersonhoodsoulmindgroundedspiritualhumanitypeoplebe yourselftruthvisible

The Strength Least Expected

Somewhere in your mind are all the strengths you seek
But say not into your mind 'Do I have strength?'
For only the laughing strength will answer 'Yes'
And only the teasing strength will answer 'No'
And all others will be silent, or will stay asleep.

Somewhere in your mind are all the strengths you need
Not always in the moment you expect.
But in the moment that matters.

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inner strengthmeditationpower of mindshort poemstrengthSEND parent

I Am A Phoenix (Welcome The Phoenix)

I've been burned
And risen again
Proud of my new coat
Of feathers
I've been burned again
And risen
Proud of my new coat of feathers
And unafraid of fire.

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couragedepressionhopeinner strengthmeditationphoenixrecoveryrenewalresilienceshort poem

Inner Strength

I have the rarest flower
Growing in my inner self.
I first had to protect it,
But now it’s taken root.

Small shoots of green,
Surviving where was barren.
Little tiny leaves,
Pattern uncommon.

I have the rarest flower
Living, thriving inside.
Makes me certain, what else happens,
That I can survive
Just like it.

As I wait for it to flower,
With its petals unfurled,
I wonder what...

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hopeinner strengthmeditationrecoverytrust

Addiction but why?

Why do all the greatest ideas arise after illegal consumption. Why does fate always suggest such a temptation. 


It’s exhausting the provided short lived excitement. Aiming to throw our reality of its alignment. 


Time starts to have no logical meaning. it starts to no longer seem to exist. The struggle is a twisted game you fail to resist.


It’s unnatural what my body is now ...

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addiction obsessionstrugglequestioningworthmore to lifeinner strength


Was it the fire between my thighs

that scorched the ground?

Or the tears from my eyes

that salted the earth?


Do the sounds of my cries

linger on the wind?

Could you feel my hope as it dies

and rots the lives around it?


I am death

I'm coming for you

until all that surrounds you is dust and ash

Do you still think you are innocent?

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vengencerevengedeathinner strength

An undervalued courage

It takes a daring woman to see the strength
of remaining soft in a hard world.
To love like you've never been hurt,
when your heart has been broken many times.
The greatest act of bravery is to recognize that
loving someone makes you vulnerable,
but refusing to stop.
To be courageous enough
to look that vulnerability in the face and say
"I will not back down,
no matter how many times you...

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courageinner strength

Absalom's Rise

Were you not my watch tower, erect above the chalky cliff

Stone guardian against all, high over the rough tides of my youth?

Was yours not the bastion, planted secure on the high turf:

Whose high walls embraced us and protected?

But that was then, now I am the ascended man -

Now I do not see your turrets from my farther shore

Black waves broke on your defences, your mortar crumbl...

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AbsalomFathersinner strengthProtectionSonsStonesStrengthTowersbiblicalSamuelturretswatchtowerpillarsiron

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