The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

fortune (Remove filter)

There Are Still Dinosaurs

The natural order of things isn't always in our favour.
A pre-historic and historic truth much harder to see in modern times
When all the obvious imperative threats are gone or tamed.
But imperative threats are healthy, 
Preventing our mind from twisting around a thousand minor matters
Which it never was designed to do and never should
Unless we can evolve our minds or methods.

The natura...

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dinosaursfortunejusticemeditationmental healthnatural historyresilience

I Thank My Fortune

I thank earth.
I thank my fortune in being born where and when, 
And to whom and with whom I was born.

I thank water.
I thank my fortune in having health and sense, 
And sense of health, and sense of sense.

I thank wind.
I thank my fortune in my paths and choices, 
For they have led me to this path and choice.

I thank fire.
I thank my fortune in my abilities and disabilities 
As t...

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acceptanceall that I amdisabilityelementsfortunehealthmeditationmysticpath of lifethankfullness

The Midas Touch

The Midas Touch


I saved the life of Lady Luck

And as a thank you I was told

That all I touched metaphorically

Would surely turn to gold

This gift came with a caveat

That seemed to be quite fair

I mustn’t get too greedy

Or all would turn to despair


And from that day without a doubt

I’ve found this to be true

I’ve won small bets on horseracing

And a game...

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napowrimo2017day 7(68)goldmidas touchluckfortunegood luckbad luckgreed

Our (Mis)Fortune

Your hand slips into mine, 
the fortune-teller notices 
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced 
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in

Laying down cards one by one 
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind 

We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins, 
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”

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Wheel of Fortune

Every time you greatly suffer,
And with your life be disappointed.
And you feel that there is no hope,
And all things seem so disjointed.

Every time you feel lost,
And ask yourself: What can I see?
And you feel that there is no future,
To find a purpose for being me.

When you feel the whole world mocks you,
And that it always seems so cruel.
When you feel you have no place in life,

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Bad LuckFortuneLuckMisfortuneStuart VannerSuffering

The City of God

In the disturbed world of today, I believe we must look to the tragedies of the past for guidance into the future. This piece is based on one of my first efforts, now many years ago.


The City of God

“It stands on a hill,” you say,

"a golden fortress, buttress to our faith,

a Heavenly Jerusalem to Rome's decay”.

Such piety is useful

to commanders of the expendable,



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The Glowering Mists of Autumn

The Glowering Mists of Autumn


As I travel life's journey I'm often-times struck

By a vision both novel and possibly true; that serenity

In a dangerous world without luck,

Is impossible; but is there a temporal divinity?


Perhaps the root causes of wonder and joy

Really are in the sky, or on Dante's fine peak,

Or my fireside, where the dance won't annoy

In the compa...

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She drags tired heels

across a tainted floor,

poise slightly bowed

and her back is sore.

She holds on her face

a cold marble stare,

a hard life engraved

upon cheeks once so fair.


Her faulting movements,

once graceful; divine,

her aching limbs now

with guile, defy

her final performance

on this dark empty stage,

memories fleeting

of a much better age...

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For Fortune


We met again, in the rain this time
on bikes, in a road
with my tongue knotting, hands shaking, 
the bird in my mouth, fluttering— 
                                      my knees were weak
wobbled, toppled, 
                                      fell off to the pavement
the bike wrapped around me like an exhausted
          rain pooled in my clenched lids. 


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The For SeriesFor FortuneFortune

For You

I see your name in contrails in the sky
in the pattern of lines on my hands.

In friends eyes I see your eyes
glassed and sad.

I feel your lips in strangers lips
in gaps between utterances I can sense them. 

In the shadows of nolight I hear your footsteps
irregular and dancing.

I see your face in the branches of trees
in the gravel and dirt and leaves.

In words...

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for youm. r. wallisfortune

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