The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

For You

I see your name in contrails in the sky
in the pattern of lines on my hands.

In friends eyes I see your eyes
glassed and sad.

I feel your lips in strangers lips
in gaps between utterances I can sense them. 

In the shadows of nolight I hear your footsteps
irregular and dancing.

I see your face in the branches of trees
in the gravel and dirt and leaves.

In words I focus on the letters that comprise your syllables
in conversation they are yours and yours alone

just as specific as your laugh.

-M. R. Wallis

for youm. r. wallisfortune

◄ For Under a Vowel Sounded Sky (And a Poetry Collection)

For Fortune ►


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winston plowes

Fri 9th Apr 2010 22:36

Hi Max. On a roll on WOL I think. Great stuff. Win. P.S. Like your blog / website thingy bob too

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Max Wallis

Fri 9th Apr 2010 18:08

In fact, perhaps I should change my picture.

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Max Wallis

Fri 9th Apr 2010 18:04

Thank you everyone. And yes Antony, I hope people judge me by my words rather than my face.

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Antony Owen

Fri 9th Apr 2010 18:00

Max I have to compliment you on writing a poem of this quality and from your photo you write with a wisdom that belies your tender age.

I'm very impressed with this poem, it appears you craft an image trying to avoid generics and you have a good control of meter and are you one to look out for?

I think if you keep writing, accept critiques like flowers then you def will.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 9th Apr 2010 17:43

Nicely written piece Max. I particularly like the use of a non-word like "nolight", it shows inventiveness without unbalancing the lightness of your words. Well done.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 9th Apr 2010 16:19

A very delicate poem Max. Lots of nice lines, I really like
In the shadows of nolight I hear your footsteps
irregular and dancing.

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