The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A commitment
a simple word
that hushes
through the air
between us
means everything and nothing
at the same time

The words we speak
are invisible
they just float
and disappear
into the night
unless they find
an open soul
that catches them
warms them
and keeps them alive

Who knew
words have hearts too

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Talking out loud.

Talking out loud.

Ducks say quack quack quack.
Dogs say woof woof woof.
We go yack yack yack.
Is there a difference?

Ducks and Dogs can relate
with each and every mate.
We study books and the law
and still can't communicate.

When ducks and dogs get cross,
they duke it out to be boss.
Yet there is a difference
between ducks dogs and us.

We think, talk and write about
this and ...

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Chat But Not Like That

When he can't talk face to face


Sensing the tension

In his sentences

Watching his mouth

What words would

Come out

She'd sent him off

Into a tangent of


Fragments of

Nonsensical speech

He'd been forced

To speak

In truth

He had nothing 

To say

So he treads back

To his cave

Where he texts her

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Cryptical clues

On the tip of the tongue

Performed in a verse

Or a line of a song

Meaningful messages

Massaging your soul

Lost in a rhythm

You just can't control

Regular chat won't

Give you this thrill

But tuning in

to a poem

Certainly will

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Seeing Things

What is the scale of reality?

We all have our own truths

Our own views

How do you quantify actuality?


“A fantasy is a vision

It is solely in your vision

It is envisioned by you

A vision is a fantasy”


But saints had visions!

Politicians have visions!

Some people have double vision

Anyone that has sight has vision

Whether they have a sixth sense

Or no...

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conversationhallucinationinsanitymental healthpostmodernpsychosisquestionsrealitysanitytruthvision

Two way conversation

A two way conversation is something very nice,

Because you both can talk in a way that is very concise,

One way talking could be something so unkind,

But the art of conversation can help you with your mind,

To fuse two minds together can become one,

If you do your pain will be gone,

To share and care is a special thing indeed,

It takes the nucleus to plant the seed,

What yo...

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Conversation in a Harbour Cafe

It was all in her eyes

When he said


He saw the tear

When he breathed





He knew her mind

When he stopped


Outside the mist rolled in

As ropes slipped off bollards


When he left

He heard her say



When the door slammed

He hoped she said





When he heard

It was all in his mind


Outside the engine sta...

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Late Night Thoughts

Late Night  Thoughts


1: „You know the feeling you get

When you just lay in your bed

Stare at your ceiling

Thinking bout life and its meaning

Realizing that nothing will last

Future, Present and Past

None of them matters

Cause nothings forever”


2: “So if life doesn’t matter

Then death doesn´t matter”


1: “yeah but guess what´s better?”


2:”Mhh… ...

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conversationFeel goodFeeling sorry for yourself


When the wind blows
And the snow starts to fall
And the sun is nowhere to be seen
When the skies are all grey
And the temperature plummets
And the morning frost lays like a blanket
The best place to be is a pub by the fire
With family and friends and our lovers
With great conversation and music 
Much laughter to lighten the mood
We can shut out the cold uninviting
And enjoy this brief i...

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MAN:          In so short a time

I saw a future



From the formless waters


From the darkness

The way begins

All words are water



GAIA:             From my innermost being

       I gave abundance!

My words flow from the mountain top

My words give succour to the land

My words are the waters of the sea


PRIEST:          The ...

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The mute speaker

We talk.

A lot about her,

yet I know nothing about her.

She shapes words

but I hear emptiness

and all that exists her mouth is air.

She gives me carbon dioxide

but little care,

little advice or help,

little information.

Just ambiguous comments,

large words meaning nothing

and letters sounding silence.

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