The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Blue Eyes

Blue as the sky above

Your eyes shine so bright like the morning light

I was scared to let you in my heart

I was scared  that this was going to be too hard 

I was scared to fall 

But your blue eyes, that shine so bright 

Gave me hope, gave me a reason to believe, and fight

I look at you with awe

Wondering where you have been and what you have done

And I pray to God


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lovehopeheartnew loveblue eyeslightGodbreak upaweAwakening

Dreaming Love 2016

So many thoughts that swirl around my mind, this feeling I've captured I dreamed to find.

It flooded in by a destined fate, the time had come after an unknown wait.

The moment we've now captured was overdue, naturally we entwined and knew what to do.

The days pass us by and the feelings grow high, the realness that shines creates an eternal tie.

I've never believed in the concept forev...

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“The Man and The Whisper”




What if…,



The haunting past,

The heart of anxiety,

The present limitations,

The lack of belief in myself,

Uncertainty of knowing myself,


These are the lions in my den,

The lighting and thunder in my storm,

The dark walls enclosing on my shoulders,

The waves that are ready to pummel me in my ocean of lif...

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godquestioningbeliefsbiblestrugglesbonesachewonderaweanswerstruthdiscoverybelieveGod Within

The Voyager's Song

The Voyager's Song


I see the shoreline,

black and unremarked

sleeping in secret, supine,

an open door, strong

as a broad Yorkshire


weak as rags of sea mist.


Soon I shall fetch upon its sands,

where cold silence reigns

uninvited like the early dawn.


Beside me shall burn,

in isolation and awe,

the last bright flower

of an ancient memory...

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Typical Day

Staring out of window

admiring nature’s awe


Picture full of perfection

sans single evident flaw


 Indolent tepid sunshine

 streaks daubed with gold


As if time has stood still

to treasure and behold


A lone cloud high above

seemingly gone astray


Wending its way towards

blurred horizon far away


The trees swaying gently

with gusts of ...

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appreciationaweBlissnaturenature worshipwonderment

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