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Never Say Never!!!

Life, a magnificent ride,
Buckle yourself,
And never ask, "Why?",
Paths you'll stumble upon,
The dreams that'll crumble,
Those dark days,
Compelling you astray,
Yet, deep in your heart,
Raging emotions ignite a spark,
Heartbreak, sadness, fear, pain,
Hesitancy to try again?
Wipe those tears, 
Clear your mind,
Calm your heart,
Ready to fight?
Gather in some air,
And then let out,

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Objectify Me


i just think it is funny that

my body cannot be viewed

by a man

without him making a comment


i just think it is funny that

i have to cross the street

to avoid his words in my ear


i just think it is funny that

 he cannot look at

my hair

 my legs

my body

without sucking air through his teeth

and viewing me

only as the object

he believes i a...

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As I Continue

I'm not weak

I can't accept defeat

Its like a foreign language to me

Stand up strong

Tall and face them all

Defy gravity

Never a victim of depravity

Your smirks

Your sneers

Pssh all I hear are cheers

Moving along

Like a song

A step at a time

Never out of line

Just ebbing with the flow


As I continue to grow.

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I run my fastest

But still get beat.

I land on my head

When I should be on my feet.

I try to move forward

But I am stuck in rewind.

Why do I keep at it?

I wont be left behind. 

The harder I am thrown 

The higher I bounce. 

I give it my all

and thats all that counts. 

In first place

Myself, I seldom find. 

So I push to the limit

I wont be left behind. 


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