The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

alcohol abuse (Remove filter)

Life of a child

Daddy said he couldn't get sober, couldn't get sober,

even if he tries.

mama said the marriage ain't over, marriage ain't over,

till the day she dies.

I said I just want normalcy, just want normalcy,

it will suffice.


daddy said he couldn't get sober, couldn't get sober,

god knows he's tried.

mama said the marriage ain't over, marriage ain't over,

for all the tears s...

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alcoholalcohol abusealcoholismdomestic abusebroken family

The Bottle

The Bottle

Sometimes it's easy to take comfort from a bottle

Trying to numb or dull the anxiety

A swill of sweet oakey booze to dissolve those feelings one would rather ignore

But eventually, given enough time, and enough drink

One starts to notice that bottle isn't your friend 

It doesn't work

It doesn't numb anything

In fact, most of the time, it boils and churns up and c...

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Poetrywriting poemsalcohol abuseaddictionrecoverysicknessperspective

Hidden Talent

We know it will kill us,

But we do it anyway.

Huddled together,

Like this.

In this place of ill repute.

The townsfolk think poorly of us.

But I am sure

Someone in here,

Has read Rimbaud.

Written poetry,

Dreamt of Dante.

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alcohol abusepubsRimbaudDanteaddictiondrunksicknesssad

A Motherwell Romance

Wanting life easy but living it hard                     

Dons his sick kilt and has one for the road

Gone to repeat the story he’s been told   

In the bar where he hasn’t been barred.             


Scotland is playing, they’ll win or they’ll lose      

He orders a pint, the fifth of the night                

Loneliness fades and the world becomes right

An amber-flecked al...

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alcoholalcohol abusedrinkingLove lostscotland

It's Easier Not to Care

Despite me wishing it was different, you and I are more alike than not. But the biggest difference between us is you only care about yourself.

You choose to drink, so you can forget, while I smoke up to not care.

Not care about the millions of times you showed up late, drunk, or both. If you didn't cancel.

Not care about the times you've said things I know you don't mean, because it's not...

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alcohol abusefather issuessmoking weedweed

Broken Bottles

It shattered across the floor

I knew this was coming, it was no surprise

I couldn’t take it anymore

Oh, the fire in his eyes


His hand against my neck

His breath against my cheek

I pulled away hoping not to wreck

Yet his presence felt so meek


The way he talked to me

The way he spat on the ground

The way he grabbed my knee;

It had me all turned around



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alcohol abusesexual assaultmoving on

Drinking Life Away

Drinking life away
To mourn and celebrate
With a drink in hand
A prop with which to stand
Have a drink to laugh
And stop sorrows in their path
To grieve at rising sun
Part of nightime fun
Drinking is your brain
The new way of being sane
Drinking is your super power
Your friend at every hour
A pint is always there
Like a friend who cares
A whiskey to relax
Drowning all the crap
But ...

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alcoholalcohol abusebeerboozesociety alcoholwhiskey


We all have out tipple of choice, mine
i sip.
It's potent breath intertwines with mine
filling my lungs with pleasure.
Satisfying all of my dreams and desires.

I swig,
as my words become dizzy, muddled.
Phosphene eyes to match. Spirits,
A wonderful serendipity,
i am free.

I gulp,
my mouth runs away with me, legs
The clock strikes, it's hand jittery
face wobbling.


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alcoholalcoholicalcohol abuseamateurteenager

Liquid Hell

Dionysus diving in liquid Hell 
The pendulum swings 
To bring 
Whatever fate awaits he in this maze 
This rats nest 
Choked up and spit out 

The empty tin rattling  down the street 
Picked up 
Dropped out 
In tune with what's really real 

The Rat poisons himself 
The mouse clutch clatter jawed to the cheese... 
Even if it kills him 

Dive on 
Dive to the bottom like a duck 

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alcohol abuse

Breathing Liquor

Liquor, such a licentious name,

I hear it whispered on TV,

my hair stands on end.

I move the bottles out of sight,

to negate their seductiveness.

They cry to be held or treasured.

The weakness of wine glasses,

resonating when they are washed.

They are true to their purpose at least.

I pour a scant amount,

measuring with molecular like precision.

I swig it back with...

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alcoholalcohol abusealoneness

A poem youll never hear

Just another drop love, just another glass.

Just another bottle , im sure that this one will last.

Just another day gone , just another week ,

Its only here and there love, its just to help me sleep.

Its just another month where ive felt a little stressed

And ive needed it to get me by and decide on what is best,

Its just another argument , that I cant remember now ….

I know t...

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Mothersalcohol abuseLove lost

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