The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ode to Lemon Meringue Pie

Teetering on the platter

A treat for human senses

It’s food to make you fatter

Crushing all of your defences


Its snowy dunes and hollows

Of flouncy sweet meringue

Are made for ample swallows

Of dessert sturm und drang


Ignore it at your peril

Its appeal you can’t deny

When hunger makes you feral

Reach for lemon meringue pie


Its gaudy citrus layer


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an ode to Nancy

she died on the bathroom floor you know. 

a cut on her ribs. 

the rib borne from man, 

killed the girl on the bathroom floor. 

no one had kindness. no one had words of condolences. 

only four pictures and a note, 

only they proved someones love for her. 

the things that made her beautiful, 

an innocence lost, 

a bleach blonde tangle, 

and a vicious lover from a doomed...

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poemodepoetprosewritingNancySid viciousmusictrue storynon fictionletter

An Ode To The Note Left On The Fridge Door



Not                              that it matters, but who could have foreseen the end of the world

That                             silky-sulky visceral notion dawning on the horizon

It                                  whispers in hot agitation about what

Matters                        and bothers shall not burden

But                ...

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odethe end of the world

a bipolar ode

the weather sucks today

the sun rose sultry grey


it’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow

and i love the orange sun rays


and i hate the rain’s tears

on frosted window glass


smiling shy though the clouds,

shining bright blue sky between its teeth


trapping me in a black stone prison,

its suffocating grey walls


freeing me from misconceptions

made be...

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How an Ode to Glitter Became an Elegy to Ziggy Stardust

Oh Mr. Stardust and I have a mutual love

Copolymer sheets grinded down to miniscule hexagons

Not as glamourous as crushed diamonds

But now availible in an epic array of application methods

My way to freak out in a moonage daydream

It glints and gleams with glimpses of faraway starmen

My mind does a dreamlike disco

A heady intoxication lacking propriety

Have you tasted it? I...

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Ode To The Passing Of A Friend

Reflecting on the passing of a friend,

It’s hard to pass the sorrow of the day.

With all the thoughts that sadness will not end;

No matter how you seek to find a way.

The pulsing pain that pierces like a dart

To stab you and constrain your happiness

In mournful clouds of bitter mental strife;

You strive to strike apart

These shackles so that you can then address,

The joy...

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An Ode to Online Dating

I'm going to give this context by starting off reading my old match and pof profile. This is genuinely real. 


It's always hard to know what to say on these things so I'm just going to fill my profile with exaggeration and nonsense.

I would describe myself as a cross between Brad Pitts character in fight club and a sensitive fireman who likes kittens. Overall I'm pretty awesome. Kind, in...

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humourfunnydatingInternet datingonline datingromancecynicismlizardssimilemetaphorode

Ode to a friend

There's many a thing could be said about a man,

who practices the guitar whilst taking a dump.

A guy who sits between two parked chairs,

playing pool drunk,

then slumping to the floor comfortably numb.


Bathroom antics are this man's speciality,

best friend and lover with the bog brush,

his bed the floor.

His cosy duvet cover is the bath mat,

and the toilet for a pil...

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