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Love behind a lamp

He went to the store

And he bought me

a dinosaur lamp


He gave it to me

and he said

"it made me think of you" 


I have a dinosaur 

a dinosaur lamp

He knows i love them



that's love to me

that's all i need.


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lovecoupledinosaursThoughtfulgiftpresenthappycontentinlovethe little things

on a thursday

i'm always the girl youre not sure about.
people have tried to make me
the girl you come back for.
but i want to be the girl
you never left.

and there are gaps in my happiness.
gaps in my teeth.
gaps in between breaths.
air, just...
slipping away.
fading away 
like colors on clothes
that have spent too much time
in the sun.

and what a funny way to say
theres always light in my l...

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Now or Never

Who said now or never?

Maybe that was someone clever,

What if they had seen the future?

That would have been hell of an adventure.


Wonder why they asked to do it now?

Well, the time in future may not allow,

Why not have a try at it for once?

It may uncover possibilities, revealing new fronts.


How will this help you to not be mistaken?

By not regretting the road...

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It has occured to me

Several times now

That I've never written 

Of my dad

Somewhere between the moment

He saved me from the chaos

And the moment he stopped being my hero

I seemed to have lost access

To the prerequsites

I need to write about any individual


You see?

My dad is four things

A Dragon, A Wolf, A Eagle, A Elk


A Dragon

Speaks from experie...

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1.      Dam


It is a dam

It is going to burst

Holding it for now

But it will burst


Tears will flow

Frustration will surface

Anger hidden away

Only want some peace


No hope, no self-esteem

No confidence

Not my usual self

Clever not dense


The dam will burst

Of that I am sure

Don’t know when

What will open the door


I just want ...

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Sleeping bag

1.      Sleeping bag


My Inkjet printer
has run out of ink.
My Laptop battery
has run out of juice.

My sunglasses are broken
keep slipping off my nose.
My bus pass is useless
run out of credit again.

My pockets are empty
apart from a hanky and 63p.
The bank account in the red
no hope there then.

Dread the arrival of the postman
never any good news there.
My trainers have...

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1.      Dirt


Staring down at three fresh mounds of soil

Rain running down the collar of my shirt

Tears gently rolling down across my cheeks

As I stare uncomprehending at the dirt


Three lives gone, taken from me forever

Leaving behind, a shell of a man and a mountain of hurt

Lost in my memories and my inner thoughts

Staring blankly at the freshly turned dirt



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1.      Dirt

Staring down at three fresh mounds of soil

Rain running down the collar of my shirt

Tears gently rolling down across my cheeks

As I stare uncomprehending at the dirt


Three lives gone, taken from me forever

Leaving behind, a shell of a man and a mountain of hurt

Lost in my memories and my inner thoughts

Staring blankly at the freshly turned dirt


I s...

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My Garden

This is where is started for me in 2015 with a smashed up ankle and lots of time to think.  I enjoyed it and still do, but a job would be pretty handy too.  Ho Hum.  Sorry to bore you if you have read it before, just was a good reminder to self....

1.      My Garden

Shall I let you into a secret?

I’ve got fairies at the end of my Garden

Yes, it’s true but Shh! Don’t let anyone know


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On a Train

1. On a train


Sat on the train

Which is going the wrong way

Away from where I want to be

But no chance that I can stay


Staring, unseeing

Out of the grimy window

Thoughts free-wheeling

Don’t really want to go


But go I must

Despite my heartfelt wishes

Leaving behind those I care for

And not even any parting kisses


Still, life must go on


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A Rapturous welcome

1.A Rapturous welcome


I woke up this morning

No tea and toast

Wondered where Dad had gone

Probably shopping, but who knows

Just no sign, none at all.


Put the news on

Purely as a distraction.

Planes have crashed,

Cars have crashed, buses have stopped

The trains keep their usual bad timetable


News off, still no sign of tea or toast

No sign of Dad ei...

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A blank sky

1.A blank sky


You can look up at a blank sky

Sit in solitude and wonder why

Enjoy the peace, release on your ears

Push away all those obvious fears


The sky is blue with slashes of white

Darkening now, slowly fading light

The end of the day draws near

Lost all that held so dear


The twinkling stars look on down

Almost with a parental frown

Yes, you mes...

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Sorry if this is repeated, website crashed whilst postingL




For now, it’s all I’ve got

Memories of happier times

Now nothing in the pot

Reduced to a wasteful soul

Nothing left to live for

Just got my begging bowl


Stubble adorns my face

Armpits smelling high

Lost the pride and the grace

Sitting with my blanket and dog

Asking if anyone has an...

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Holiday time

1.Holiday Abroad


Booked us all on a holiday

Take the family away for a while

Yes, of course I had to pay

Even went the extra mile


Get the ferry over to the other side

Relax, have fun lying in the sun

But the ferry’s neither long nor wide

Worrying, but what is done is done


The engine can’t be big enough

Just seem to be drifting along

But it’s quiet, c...

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Tears (obviously an 'off' day)



Why now should the tear roll from my eye

Just when things are looking up

What makes you want to cry

When there appears to be not much of a ‘why’


When things are looking bright

When opportunity looms ahead

Why the fear, the paralysing fright

Inducing the sweat, turning my face white


If money can’t buy happiness

Then having no money buys nothing a...

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Dark and Light

1.Dark not Light


Tense, all so taut

Cross, impatient

For no-one else a thought


Dark, not light

Brooding, silent

Muscles cramped so tight


Alone, so Alone

Screaming inside

Love turned to stone


Sadness and sorrow

Such painful disappointment

No light to come tomorrow


Dark, not light

Drowning slowly

Losing the fight


Slipping ...

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He flings himself to the floor

Bullets flashing just over his head

You fling yourself to the floor

At the merest touch of a little finger


When he shoots, he’s trying to drop people to the floor

When you shoot you’re trying to bring people to their feet

He’s lucky if he gets twenty grand a year

You wouldn’t get out of bed for that much a week



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Fun and Sad

1Our walls


Trapped in these four walls

Wallowing in self-despair

Suffering from my latest falls

Let my mind and body repair


Not a thought for anyone else

Never offering to lend a hand

My mind only focused on myself

Not sure how much more I can withstand


How to move myself forward

How to re-establish respectability

Stop doing the things that are untow...

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A nod to Peter Grimes

1.The Ocean


I was sat on the pebbly shoreline

A Blue sky punctuated with

The odd slash of painted-on light grey

The shrieking of the circling Seagulls

Mocking me, high above my head


Was looking out at the horizon

Where the light and dark blue meet

In what appears to be an oddly,

Unnaturally, dead-straight line

Way, way far ahead.


Looking at the pebbl...

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Feeling Melancholy (whoever she is)

1) Feeling Melancholy

I wonder about death
I wonder about life
I wonder about love...
I wonder at the lack of it

Maybe I had my chances
Maybe I screwed them up
Caught up in my own selfish world
Too blind to see the light

Left my horrible marks
upon those I really cared for
But too late now
No going back

Too late now to re-invent myself
To go back and do it all again
To b...

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Not really a poem

Just experimenting.  More like a (very) short story than a poem, but thought you may enjoy (?) it anyway.  Feedback - Good or Bad, is always appreciated.  I'm new to this game.


Ben and the dog

Ben yawned and patted the cold side of the bed where Mary should have been.  Just empty space and cold cotton now.  Sighing, he swung his legs out of the bed and rubbed ...

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Dogs and Truth

1.Where’s the Dog?

Who are you?

What do you want?

I don’t know you

What’s your name?

There was someone similar to you

Who came by, sometime recently


Where’s my keys?

Have you let the dog in?

What dog? Of course I’ve got a dog

Fifty years?  Pull the other one

If we’d been together that long

Of course I’d remember


Anyway who are you?

What are you d...

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Old boyz in the hood

Very experimental....


1.Old boy in the ‘hood


Don’t let my appearance fool you

Those suitcases under my eyes

I’m like an old sniffer dog

Keeping my nose to the ground


Don’t judge this book by its cover

For inside, you’ll find hidden depths

One day I may just surprise you

For I know the score around here


I’ve been living here for many a year

Long ...

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Downward spiral



We’re sitting here united in disbelief

Uncomprehending, can’t hide our grief

Our heads in our hands

Tears rolling quietly down our cheeks


Things will never be the same again

All we can do is share our pain

Sitting quietly, wondering what is to come

Things will have to change from now on


Remembering the good old days

Surrounded in their rosy ...

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