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supporting the economy

my worth is always fluctuating
you talk to me like I'm worth nothing
but when it's past nine pm I'm priceless
I can't tell if I'm a commodity

you told me you liked me out of the blue
it was almost out of impulse
like that pretty journal, you bought but never used
both are just things that are nice to have around

you didn't need to do that
you had plenty of things at home stuffed in yo...

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April Fools


April Fool! - If You Voted for this “Vote Leave” Pack of Lies

You’ll benefit from better care provided by our NHS thanks to the re-allocation of funds from the EU budget.

Controlled immigration will lead to reduced wating times for you and your loved ones.

Excess funding that would otherwise be sent to Brussels can also be directed to education, meaning better prospects for your ...

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Lockdown shopping

Today I went shopping,

lockdown shopping is hard.

Queue up just to take a look,

changing rooms are barred.


Today I bought a new dress,

I must admit it isn't quite right.

It is just a little bit too small,

only a teeny tiny bit too tight.


Today I made a promise,

to eat healthily all next week.

I will not raid the biscuit tin,

I will turn the other cheek.


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Back to the Shops??

Now that lockdown is finally easing, 
Into shops once more people are breezing. 
People know that they must still keep apart, 
Though in the towns long queues restart,

After such times of stress and strife, 
We strive to return to a normal life. 
But are we buying what we need? 
Or celebrating that we are freed?

Some may see all this as funny, 
As people return to spend their money. 

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Stuart VannerLockdownConstraintShoppingShops

Shopping At A Safe Distance

Standing in line, besides my disinfected trolley

In the supermarket car park, under my brolly

Distance shopping, it is the new normal

Two meters apart, so serious and formal

I quickly pick groceries, for others and mine

I queue down the aisle, it's a very long line

The assistant sits safe, behind a plastic screen

Sprays and hand gel, making everything clean

I miss the old d...

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Shop Sale

Charityshop Sale - Poem by Marie

looking in the shop window I stood there in shock 
Special offer it said, clearance of old stock 
I knew I had to have it, The price was so Right 
On the way home I held it close and very tight 

I almost dropped it, there was snow on the ground 
God I am so Lucky, I cant believe what I found 
In The house I unwrapped it, with a glint in my eye 
I quickl...

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A huge pleasure of mine is to shop,

Though I sometimes find it hard to stop.

It brings me comfort so I cannot wait,

But it may put me into such a state.


I especially love to shop online,

To see what things could soon be mine.

There are many choices. It is so vast,

And they like to take our money fast.


Whether it be a DVD, a game or book

At my bank balance I dar...

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AddictionShopoholicShoppingStuart Vanner

Standing in the crowd

Staring at the billboard…
I feel so important to you

Staring at the shop window 
I am tempted to believe…
If I empty my pockets I will forget about you

Sitting on the sofa 
Watching the adverts of pristine lives…
Each and everyone 
Not a care in the world 
Joyous at the insurance policy
Or furniture that just perfectly fits in

Lying down 
Just prior to nails being hammered in…

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shoppinglost souls

Shopping Addiction

Shopping for thing's you dont need

spending all your money just to feed

your addiction

You just got paid and that same day it's gone

the cooperations fool you they're one big con

Special offers things on sale 

is their away to escape this jail?

They items you buy make you happy for a while

the obession and thrill of buying makes you smile

whether it's tops, bags, or shoe...

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They have loads of clothes that mek happy

mostly good yet some are crappy

They gave al my favourite thing's

even harry potter rings

They always get in lots of stock

even  beauty and the beast clock

Everytime i go in i buy

Then check my bank and sigh

I got into every store 

in the hope to find more

with all my clothes you'd think  i'm rich

They even added disney sti...

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cure my spending addiction

My spending addiction is getting so bad,

It’s even driving my cats totally mad.

I buy everything that I see,

I wonder what the next thing will be.

Any excuse to go and shop,

I just don’t know how to stop.


I took an overdraft out with the bank,

Wayne is on the verge of giving me a spank.

I buy multiple items of the same thing,

I just love the sound of the till going ...

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Here is a link to my poem about a day at IKEA

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Oxford Street Shopping




You look at him
And then to me
And back again
And smile at me
I catch your eye
And all I know
That you see the love
That cannot be known


You will tell another
Of what you saw
A peculiar couple
That showed you more
Of what can exist
Beyond the norm
A beautiful peace
Amongst the storm


© Katy Hughes 2012

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oxford streetsoholoveshopping

Something for Everyone


Seeds, sheets, plugs, paint; something of everything

if not much range. Pots, pencils, saucers, plates;

pocket-money treasures, find a present

for your gran. Towels, wrapping paper, pins.

Sometimes you came away with a bargain.

If only they didn’t keep moving the plants,

picture frames, toys, socks and sockets, sweets.

Times changed; you only called in now and ...

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