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through a windshield (11-25-2023)
thru all the glue
filn history's glossy cracks
and all the pines
from wane to wax
we were(are, perhaps)
moonrise bent
lain with backs
pressed on tarmac
slid red, long
longer than we thought possible.
dream-licked heads
shattered and spread :
painted lines on painted lines
painted lines
down along this serpentine road.
without a motion ...
Saturday 25th November 2023 3:07 pm
Some loses are meant to be
For they pave the way for victory
We may feel sad and full of grief
But having faith can bring relief
The road to triumph is not always easy
We must persevere and stay busy
Though many hurdlles may we face
Our determination we must embrace
So let's not fret or lose our way
Our tomorrow will be a brighter day
For every loss brings a learning ...
Monday 12th June 2023 10:48 pm
Words Hidden Beneath Ink
A delicate touch on my skin.
How long has it been
since someone softly caressed me?
A touch so unknown,
yet Comfort finds their home.
As you trace the ink on my skin,
your eyes rake down my body,
drinking all of me in,
as if you have not drunk a drop of water
for as long as you’ve been.
Your fingers on me,
feel like the first sunbeams that grace a leaf,
after a...
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 12:02 pm
November Morning
Beep Beep Beep
The screaming of my alarm alerts me that it's time to stir awake from my sleepless dreams
I grab my mug and pour the dark liquid hell to get me through another day of 8-5
I grab my favorite unprepossessing red and brown checkered flannel with my short deep blue shorts
My eyes graze the outside sight of the glass infront of me
Cold, damp finger prints left by my hand as I begin ...
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 8:57 pm
The leaves of the tree
Behind the house of glass are falling
With each step of the wind
They liberate themselves from the branches
From the complexity of the connections
Connection of the root with the trunk
Of the trunk with the branches
Of the branches with the leaves
The leaves liberated themselves
From the connections
From the dependence
The leaves of the ...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:18 am
more poetry
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
how is life good and bad
at the same time
life is always two things at once
it is a little confusing
but, hay, so am I
i am very confusing
especially when I'm mad
the world is like the yin-yang
it is light and dark
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
So tell me what yo...
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:05 pm
Random Hero
The only person who can save me
is me
A Random Hero wont set me free
Violets are blue
Its time for you to save you
Mentalities can't fly
Yours wont admit defeat
Not that I ever wanted you to lose
But, my grasp is still so weak
Friday 23rd December 2016 9:40 pm
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