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November Morning

Beep Beep Beep
The screaming of my alarm alerts me that it's time to stir awake from my sleepless dreams
I grab my mug and pour the dark liquid hell to get me through another day of 8-5
I grab my favorite unprepossessing red and brown checkered flannel with my short deep blue shorts
My eyes graze the outside sight of the glass infront of me
Cold, damp finger prints left by my hand as I begin to turn the knob
I breath in the fresh crisp cool air
The kind that freezes your throat as the new air mixes with the warmth of your body
My feet touch the cold ragged porch as I slide into the rocking chair
Back and forth I rock slowly as the chill in the air nips my checks like a frozen tarantula
A smoke cloud becomes lost in the endless sky as I blow out my cig
My nose begins to drip like a loose facet ever so slowly
My body asking to go back to the warmth of my home
But the tweeting of the birds and humming of the crickets are a melody to my ears that intrigue me to stay put
The dawning of the new day begins to rise in front of me and  brings a streak of curiosity:
Wondering how my day may go.
Who will I met
Who will I help
Who will I
The street light turns off and knocks me back to life
Out of deep thought
A black cat scatters across the damp glossy grass
My toes begin to tingle from the numbness of the cool morning air
I take a gulp of the sunshine as if I hold it long enough it may just follow
I don't want to leave the beauty of a fresh November morning
But it knows I'll be back tomorrow to vast in its cold, bittersweet hug once more.


poetryismy lifenaturemorning

Existence ►


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