The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ignorance (Remove filter)

Ignorant to society

Our ignorance makes colour just an illusion

We latch onto black and white for vision

Purifying our naivety, protecting our fears

Whether it be blood, sweat, or tears; no trace can be found

Recognition is the key to unearth beyond our judgemental lines.

We deny ourselves the truth, yet believe in immortality.


Observing a bag soar through the wind

Can you feel its freedom?


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Hunger hides in the schools

Hunger hides in the uneducated

Hunger hides in a child's mind


Why should this be a political fight

We are not asking for a feast, just a little something to eat.


Sadness hides in the home

Sadness hides in the room

Sadness hides in the man on the streets


Don't want to run in your circle anymore.

Want to take that straight line le...

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fearfeelingshidehopehungerIgnorancelovepainpeacePoetry 2020sadness


Ignorance is the deceiver of all men

The fate of which can come close to death

As though not knowing gravity exists will prevent you from falling

Nor that laws set in place will keep you out of prison


Ignorance is a dangerous mistress

It lures you in only to leave you stranded

It will strip you of your independence

Leave you bare for all to ridicule


Knowledge, how...

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Ode To The Lazy And Ignorant Who Scoff At The Truth

Dark are these times the world's gone mad,
Its all gonna end soon and I'm kinda glad,
As I sit here alone in a state of isolation,
The world has been deceived in a sea of indoctrination,
Oh how we've been lied to on a scale so grand,
It's hard to comprehend so let me help you understand,
MK Ultra, Paperclip, Nine-Eleven and Blue-beam,
There's so much deception that it feels like dream,

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IgnoranceSheepSheepleConspiraciesConspiracy TheoriesTruthLiesDeceptiongenocideslient warfare


This piece comes from an exhibition of the work of celebrated Australian artist and sculptor Brett Whiteley. Parts of his enormous masterwork "Alchemy" can be found on the cover artwork of Dire Straits' album of the same name. A long-term drug user, he died in 1992 from a heroin overdose.



A metaphor for clear technique,

the Gallery (patrolled, secure,

well-scrubbed, ...

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Who said reusable resources are a modern invention? Rubbish!



It's said that no-one should ever die wondering

on which road to travel, how not to go blundering

in dangerous places, when it's best to be pondering

why the rain plays its tricks, why there's no distant thundering. . . .


As the years pass us by we add to our history,

little by little we work out...

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It's you

Your sure fire

absolute certainty of journey

route, sustenance, kit,

plans, patterns, foresight,

well thought through reports,

talks on survival skills;

led an expedition into a pit.


Your only hope is,

whilst executing your ideas,

they kept a little something back

to save themselves.


They scramble for air

in hope that there are safer paths.

You sit ...

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You came and swept me off my feet

Before I even had the chance to breathe

I went in way too deep


You took me up a little too high

I never told you I couldn’t fly

And when you let go, I’ll meet the earth

Smashing; with gravity’s force


The stars in the sky

The stars in your eyes

All the bright lights made me blind

I promised myself, but look where I am



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Living With the Opposite

In this world in which

We live

We are blind to what we will not see.

The opposite

They haven't light.


We clash with great might.

One day I will get away

And walk this path not another day.

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ignorancehopegoing against the norm

To Unknow is to Dream

Hey friends


 My latest entry was inspired by a debate I had with some friends recently.The basic principle of this was the theory that you would be happier uneducated than if you knew everything. The theory that Ignorance is bliss.


 So enjoy the poem and if you would like to comment your thoughts on the subject then please do.


To Unknow is to dream

Knowledge i...

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