The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

twin flame (Remove filter)


We survived all weather's all seasons each year
We are combined forces so bright we eliminate fear
I keep you near you keep me near
The reunion of souls so overwhelming so precious blinding ..piercing familiar brand new
My soul stopped searching and connected to you
Perfect fit the key turned so effortlessly
Locked tight combination code 11.11
Mixed eras one soul in sync transformatio...

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Stormtwin flame11.11soulmatestrue love


She hid in my chambers 

Stored her music in right atrium

As quiet as she stayed

The songs she would whisper 

Danced loudly in my veins 

I tried to drown her lyrics out

But the blood rushed all of

Her secrets to my brain

Every ventricle has coagulated 

Memories that are clinging to

Walls inside my heart

Causing sclerosis clouding my 

Better judgment to push her a...

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hearthiddenLovesecrettwin flame

Twin Flame


There was a girl made of glass

As fragile as she was

She roamed from city to city

In search of...


There was a girl made from sand

She slept underneath the sun

All of her life

She conformed to the raging sea

That crashed and carried her


The wind carried the glass girl

Until she appeared on the beach

She walked carefully, as to not cut the 

Sand ...

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Lovetwin flamelesbian


What a welcome relief

your tender words are

to my weathered soul. 


I get so busy in life

tending to other’s needs

that I often neglect my own. 


But when I come to the

oasis of serenity and

see a good heart reflected,


my faith in love is restored.

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faithloveOasisserenitysoultwin flame

The Art Of . . .


She tastes love lips

But he was no angel 

In a world filled with mayhem

She seeks he who is stable 


Foundations that maintain

Love that withstands

Friendship is of the essence

Loyalty that is infinite


Wondering souls unite

Ties begin to merge

Bonds bound to the will of spirits

True intimacy is experience


He tastes loves lips

But she wasn’t...

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Excerpts from the mindtwin flamelesson in life


Publish your poems,

your stories,

your soul songs.

A world of lonely people

are waiting for you

with open arms. 


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destinyhealinglegacylonlinessmiraclesmusicpoetryquillsoultwin flamewriting



Feel like a fugitive in my own life, kind of use to it and enjoy it. Filling the gap where your life and love should be. Do you know how fucking alone I am now? That doesn't matter. My views go to ink, captured in my poems. What will you think when you read it?

I know you exist, somewhere. If you didn't, I'd be totally alone.

Like now.

What if you d...

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lovedarknesshopesoulmatetwin flamekindred spirithis latest flamemoira rankintricia reid

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