The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

lesbian (Remove filter)

In Waves

That phrase,
That phrase you love to say
It has become overdone, cliché
No, it’s not a phase
Years, not days
And see
I will not change
Not this way or that way
Though I may grow,
I may expand in waves,
I will not change
To fit your phrase
I will only expand,
Expand in waves
Is that okay?
That I will stay?
That I won’t change?
That I can only expand,
Expand in waves?
Is th...

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acceptbisexualchangeempowergaygrowidentitylearnlesbianlgbtqtake spacefreedomselfownpansexualqueersexualitywaves

⚡ Thunderstorms ⚡

Running through my head
Rumbles getting louder
Scared things might be said
Hide away in a closet
Because the sound is so loud
Hide from the truth
Because the truths not allowed
Thunderbolts they are striking
Flashbacks of a lad
A childhood in silence
Adolescence was sad
But storms they get stronger
They gain strength with time
The rain is now pouring
I’ve a hurricane m...

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BisexualityBisexualgaylesbianLGBThiddenhopestrengthgender/sexualitymindemotionsdepressionmental health

Scared Child

Like a scared child in the shadows
Lurking to find what’s right
Strange feelings overtake me
And my chest is feeling tight
Why does it feel abnormal
Why does it seem so strange
I don't have one attraction
I have multiple in my range
Why does it sound so dirty
In an homophobic head
Why do I feel so troubled
By what others might have said
Is it them who have the problem
Or am I running ...

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Twin Flame


There was a girl made of glass

As fragile as she was

She roamed from city to city

In search of...


There was a girl made from sand

She slept underneath the sun

All of her life

She conformed to the raging sea

That crashed and carried her


The wind carried the glass girl

Until she appeared on the beach

She walked carefully, as to not cut the 

Sand ...

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Lovetwin flamelesbian


I long for warm hugs on rainy nights

I long for good conversations on sunny days


I long for you in a world that’s tough on us

I long for you in a time that isn’t yet for us


I long for us.

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Can make me a puppet.

You can make me dance

And moan

And shake

And cum literally at the tip of your finger

You make my entire body move with your finger

(and your eyes)

You can make me feel my matter condensing to a single point at the tip of your finger,

I imagine it is glowing.

And sometimes when you’re making love to me

(I’m sorry, I know you hate that phra...

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lovesexsexual awakeninglesbianfire flesh love passion obsession

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