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Monsters don’t exist
Monsters don’t exist they say, they aren’t under your bed
I realise now I’m older, it was all just in my head,
but them ones are the scariest, the monsters in your mind,
the ones that make your heartbeat race, the creatures you can’t find.
Only you can feel them there, it’s driving you insane.
your body shakes, your brain, it aches ,from fears that live within,
you cry inside, you’ve got to ...
Monday 3rd June 2024 6:34 pm
The Sailor
an old man upstairs has fits of coughing
women make his bed creak fit to bust
he's some sort of evangelical preacher
an expert on the perils of human lust
bones in bright sunshine or pouring rain
pressed down by limbs that rarely speak
contorted versions of my wide-open legs
I could make his bed wake up and creak
do my vows still apply after these years?
did I ...
Tuesday 22nd June 2021 10:08 am
Please Miss
chalk dust on her hands
game chants in her ears
thirty heads a-bobbing
eagerly innocent dears
think she's like them, no
thoughts but right now,
her minds miles away:
why am I a silly cow?
daily strives to impress
ambitious hectic whirr
one bloke after another
none were right for her
as usual on auto-pilot
teaching maths by rote
kids get on h...
Thursday 20th May 2021 10:31 am
Old As Love II
you have to watch it in here
old blokes get up to all sorts
seem to lose inhibitions and
indulge in odd water sports
dicks emerge like clockwork
just like they're past caring
pyjamas are a good excuse
for opening up and sharing
doesn't shock me anymore
hang there minute and limp
yet one or two can still do it
Patrick's a potent old pimp
its massiv...
Tuesday 18th May 2021 10:23 am
Twice A Day With Food.
It's a tough pill to swallow.
I want to fucking puke.
This feeling in my stomach,
like I swallowed a live nuke.
They just give me pills to swallow
and run a lot of useless tests.
I tried so hard to keep it away,
to fight it off but it infests.
I hate these pills I swallow.
I feel the cancer in my veins.
It's consuming my body
and fucking with my brain.
It's not your pill to swall...
Monday 18th June 2018 1:35 pm
Tiny Round Friends.
It's been a while since I've written
It may be 'cause it's been a while
Since I've really felt anything at all
One little white pill
"It'll take all the pain away"
But the dealer never told me
My new friend was here to stay
So before you say yes
There's something I need to say
You'll lie awake wishing for pain
At least then you'll feel something
But it'll never fucking come
Wednesday 10th January 2018 2:16 pm
F#ck your depression, F#ck your hope.
Im burning thru my own world, its like I'm on fire,
i dont know how i got here ,could i get any higher?
i dont know why im pacing, but these dones got me estatic,
add a couple xanax to make the situation frantic.
oh shit, im nodding. now its all just tragic.
im getting high off these beans like their fucking magic.
letting go of life, cause the morphine kills the pain..
Tuesday 27th January 2015 8:04 pm
Pills, pills, pills – that’s what I need ’cause I feel like shit,
it’s been one of those fuckin’ dull nowhere days
that go round in circles like a crippled ship.
Take a pill for my allergy, pop an acid to go on a trip
it’s an experiment in my head.
Feel a headache coming on so I grab some parries and a couple of E’s to feel happy.
Now an hour ...
Thursday 1st December 2011 4:36 pm
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