fat (Remove filter)
Jan 8,2019; 11:22am
My sides burn
Like eyes are burning into every cell of it
Between my eyebrows are tense
In an unknown anger
My stomach has ghost peppers
Riding a looping roller coaster
Through a gang of butterflies
My back has cracked so many times
That each pop adds another insecurity
Into the polluted puddle of muscle in my skull
My eyes are tired
Tired of holding the tears that...
Sunday 12th February 2023 8:08 pm
Please Miss
chalk dust on her hands
game chants in her ears
thirty heads a-bobbing
eagerly innocent dears
think she's like them, no
thoughts but right now,
her minds miles away:
why am I a silly cow?
daily strives to impress
ambitious hectic whirr
one bloke after another
none were right for her
as usual on auto-pilot
teaching maths by rote
kids get on h...
Thursday 20th May 2021 10:31 am
Brown Bread
she's a great cook to be fair,
puts fine grub on the table,
sees me eat up with gusto
as best as my belly is able
she has a bread-maker now,
flour and yeast and pastry,
I must mind my waistline,
dont gobble it up too hasty
upset she is at what I leave,
fat gander getting force-fed,
guts so leaden and swollen
I'm no longer good in bed
obesity roost...
Wednesday 7th April 2021 10:15 am
At school we bullied Billy for being fat
Stole his homework pulled his
Hair broke his glasses
Accused him of all-sorts made his
Life a misery so in the end they took him
Out of school then
Years later I went out with a plump lass
Called Norma she pecked at her meals but
Never lost weight I
Accused her of hiding food and
Bingeing on the quiet and made her life a
Thursday 4th June 2020 10:52 am
To hell with the 'Diet' lets all be Fat
Eat what ya like just like that
No more counting calories
Eat just what you like
To hell with the diet
Lets all just be FAT
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:12 pm
Obesity the silent cry
Sitting silent wondering why
I didn't ask to be born fat
I struggle to get by everyday
i don't want to eat crap food
Please someone take it away
laughter out side the joker me?
look at the fat lady ugly isn't she
pretending I don't hear it I walk
people judge always talk talk talk
the big fat lady can hardly walk
pills don't work not diets I try
year after year th...
Monday 20th January 2020 12:34 am
I am Both (with audio by me)
I am not the fat girl
I am not the skinny girl.
I am both.
I am both the bingeing in the night
And the starving from pure fright.
I am both
In the mirror I am both.
I am the always too thin pile of bones
And the body too big to call home.
I am both.
In the shops I am both.
I am the girl who is too curvy to wear cute clothes
...Wednesday 22nd August 2018 11:45 am
I am Both
I am not the fat girl
I am not the skinny girl.
I am both.
I am both the bingeing in the night
And the starving from pure fright.
I am both
In the mirror I am both.
I am the always too thin pile of bones
And the body too big to call home.
I am both.
In the shops I am both.
I am the girl who is too curvy to wear cute clothes
And the girl who's Inability to feel sexy make...
Wednesday 22nd August 2018 3:21 am
Rainbow Bridges
Rainbow Bridges
Rainbow bridges
and Ice Cream ridges.
A Cotton Candy cloud
Everyone is wowed.
A Chocolate mountain
flows into a Chocolate fountain.
Boy am I
gonna get fat!
Monday 22nd May 2017 1:46 am
Sometimes I stand there
In front of the mirror
And my stomach grows
My thighs fatten
My chins double
As I stare at myself
I can feel the food inside me
Bloating and distending me
From inside out
I rush to clothe myself
In case they no longer fit by the time I am finished
In case my fingers become too fat
And sausage like
To do up my buttons
I feel sick at ...
Monday 6th July 2015 5:45 pm
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