mountains (Remove filter)
A Discovery on Everest
Where laced up leather boots so softly tread
Beneath spiral columns of spindrift snow
Time freezes in the ice where he lies dead
A gnarled old man with two teeth in his head
Prays to Chomolunga from down below
Where laced up leather boots so softly tread
One month before, Gray’s elegy they read
Whilst they waited for the storm winds to slow
Time freezes in the ice where he lies dead
Saturday 7th December 2024 8:59 pm
Hallo Nederland!
In our Lancashire home, in our Lancashire home,
We speak with a Lanky Twang ever so rare,
We’ve got some wet moorlands exceedingly bare,
If you want a few Mountains, we've got some to spare,
In our Lancashire home.
En Vrolijk Kerstmis!
Wednesday 30th November 2022 12:41 pm
The second peak
October 2020
Once we’d bagged the first we should’ve quit
but we are so elated
to make it safely down by noon
we press on like a perfect pair of twits,
sights set on a much-alike, elevated
cairn across the valley, reckoning soon
we’ll add another summit to our list.
We scale a gate which warns us to KEEP OUT!
and brave a barbed wire fence
before the grad...
Wednesday 20th October 2021 12:22 pm
The God in the Mountain
Flogita - 13 September 2019
It stands
a great sail fin of rock
high towering - dominant
cloud mazed
haze hidden seat of hidden gods
and we, yes,
we would rise to their heights,
stand in their pantheon
to observe the tiny world
For from this seat
Prometheus set forth
and with Athena
set us in that tiny mortal world -
yet now we stand
proud o...
Saturday 28th September 2019 10:18 am
Uchtryd's Summer Place
In Mariamné's time
What trees would have grown so tall
What was there beyond the garden wall?
When she walked beyond the garden gate
Did she see the river's sudden spate
And did the rustle of a summer breeze
Mask the red kite's call above those trees
And did she hear the Spring birds' calls
Above the echo of Ystwyth's falls
Did she stroll her father's ways
And let the...
Tuesday 4th June 2019 2:39 pm
I skipped down road in the cool mountain air
In the cool mountain air, with you...
Hot in the night air
Running down the road
Dancing to the left
Singing to the right
Chasing and avoiding cars
Street life all around
Life going on beyond
In our little world
Up steps, down alleys
In and out of tunnels
Over and under the ground
pavements along the...
Friday 15th December 2017 9:43 am
Above the Valley
As we pass through this Autumn realm,
See the valley bound wraiths of mist
Withdrawing like a tide from the willow
Islands of the marshland
With their starkly black boughed trees
Damply dripping with the mist's remains,
Chill air swirls in the rising breeze, and
Black starlings line the wires beyond a barn
But the red kite in his higher flight
Is lost to sight
Wednesday 1st November 2017 2:35 pm
Trekking to the Top of the World
With every passing minute a different scene is unveiled.
Each revealing a new dimension, a changing perspective on reality.
The infinitely majestic mountains, covered in their entirety with a thick layer of condensed water.
Power, stability, brut earth force dissapears into the abyss.
While the clouds rule the sky, the mountains are strangers to you and I.
Look around and take in th...
Thursday 5th October 2017 5:20 pm
There's mist on the Menai
There's geese in the sky
There's snow on the Mountains
As the mist rolls on by
It runs from the Swellies
To the Irish Sea
The mist on the Menai
Majestic and free
From the banks of the Briant
To Caernarfon's great ramparts
To the edge of the Llyn
Hear the Waders and Redstarts
There's mist on the Menai
Not a cloud in the sky
Monday 8th June 2015 3:57 pm
Carob Cottage
My memory of when I lived in Ilgaz and spent a relaxing year at Carob Cottage.
Mountain peaks
Rising Sun.
Trumpeting flower
Fanfare to lizard.
Magpie, Pigeon
Hooded crow.
Pine and Olive
With Carob grow.
Owl starred night
Venus shining.
Isle of love
Thoughts cascading.
Near to God
Allah too.
Dream time soon
Magic carpet.
Soothing mind
Stress free.
Quietly watching
Fox an...
Sunday 1st December 2013 2:58 am
Martian Gothic
It was a unique environment.
They were unique people in a unique place.
A mountain fifteen thousand metres high with a vertical south face.
Two pretty Goth girls stood on the edge.
One footstep forward and it was a huge fall to the Martian plateau.
Three hundred metres in front of the girls was a fine layer of Cirrus cloud,
thirty metres thick.
The Terraformi...
Wednesday 6th November 2013 3:23 pm
Giants of the Earth
Watch silently as earthly rumbles deep,
And as the world below drifts off to sleep,
A ghostly peak, refreshed beyond the glare.
Beauty in the vast, unparalleled,
Iridescent on one side of two,
Overcoat, to cast off; overdue,
Tremble underneath where others dwelled.
Tyrants roam, to crumble at their feet,
Crushed, reanimated in the wel...
Tuesday 15th January 2013 9:38 pm
How many pilots died and old aircraft lost when they flew over jagged snowy peaks in the remotest corners of the world? Doing a dangerous job knowing the risks and trusting in fate and luck to bring the through. Some never made it, there planes impacting vertical mountain sides in sickening crashes. Bodies lost forever, frozen in the time of death. Icily cold and otherworldly ...
Sunday 29th January 2012 3:18 pm
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