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Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

First Love

I saw every happiness in your eyes
I wonder what was in your eyes that I blossomed
I was feeling strange
There was a different glow on my face
Thought I'd tell someone
But I don't know what was that feeling
who were you could not forget
Couldn't sleep at night even after trying hard
Surrounded by questions, confusion could not solve the mind
was looking for your eyes
where I saw you befo...

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loveattractionnew love interests

Unkept Promise

I had promised myself

No running after the elf

However, twist of circumstances

We may have our share of differences

The heart pumped the emotions

And the mind couldn’t refute…

Even though we stood separated by distances.


There was a tussle between me and me

Me – the myself within, and the face outside – me.

We had arguments since the promise looked mock

By our pr...

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attractionfascinationgirl crush


I'm drawn
Drawn to you
And I don't  know why.
I'm spoken for but you're who I think about all night.

I'm Drawn
Drawn to you
And and your eyes
Like big diamonds when we played with Lucy in the sky.

I'm Drawn
Drawn to you
And your voice
We werent in the same room but I could hear you
And I got excited and I had no choice

But to be drawn
Drawn to you
And all that you are.
I ba...

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Killer's Instinct

When the eyes do the wine effect,

When the lips turn aroma on…

When the halo transmits magnetism

My mind thinks a hundred times,

How she would be in real?


I mostly happen to see her image,

And there she is defying every age.

Miracle born, miraculous charm

She stirs me from beneath…

And I simply wonder who she is!


Novel attraction or a cute tease,


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addictionsbeautiful womanattractioninfatuationseduction

Your Tune.

In the creases of a crumpled T-shirt,
the darkening orbit of an orange pasta stain,
the unhinged playfulness of bright and living eyes…
the golden curls like mazes of cornfields – no way out –
The type you just want to twist around your finger –
I noticed you.
In the unrestrained laughter,
I would recall each word that tumbled from your lips
And hang on them, swing from them,
like branche...

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37 years

37 years is quite some thing

Medals all round some would say

To meet and travel so far 

Takes love, attraction, laughter

Who knows when you first meet

What lies ahead, how hearts will forge

To look back with smiles and happiness 

To look now and still see love shine

To look forwards and still want more

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Secondhand Merchandise

You want a bit of me, don’t you?

Although I have a previous owner

You are tempted; I could be yours

I warn you, I’ve been well worn

There are a few rips and tears scarring my history

I am faded; my image only just visible

But, you’re secretly impressed

You’ve been after one like me for years

Hunt me down

Make your offer

Try me

No need to wear me in

Soft, smooth,...

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