The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


Hate and fear looking for attention
Believing everything told to you without any proof
Their power comes from your lack of education

White tears are colored with ignorance

Hate does not make you a hero
Just make you lose your job
Now your a zero

White tears are colored with fear

Other people that don't look like you
Not living the way you think they should
Call someone to correct them is what you do

White tears are colored with arrogance

Don't get your way have a tantrum
When no one thinks you in the right
Got nothing to say now you play the victim

White tears are colored with hate

A mother prays for her son to see another day
They can't respect an open hand shoot him is the only plan
Now the proof of innocence is on the victim when their voice is dead

These tears of pain and love are clear

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2018

TearsPoetry 2020politicssocialjusticeBLM




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