my life (Remove filter)
I Was Waiting For My Lucky DAy
I was waiting for my lucky day,
I was sad and accepted waiting,
Then the boring days passed away.
And I started to wait for the dating.
And I couldn't let my soul sleep.
My crazy thoughts were so deep.
My feelings grew stronger,
When days became longer.
I was waiting for my lucky day,
It should certainly come in May.
Dasy flower is not a miracle.
In the su...
Wednesday 5th June 2024 4:52 am
Some loses are meant to be
For they pave the way for victory
We may feel sad and full of grief
But having faith can bring relief
The road to triumph is not always easy
We must persevere and stay busy
Though many hurdlles may we face
Our determination we must embrace
So let's not fret or lose our way
Our tomorrow will be a brighter day
For every loss brings a learning ...
Monday 12th June 2023 10:48 pm
Words Hidden Beneath Ink
A delicate touch on my skin.
How long has it been
since someone softly caressed me?
A touch so unknown,
yet Comfort finds their home.
As you trace the ink on my skin,
your eyes rake down my body,
drinking all of me in,
as if you have not drunk a drop of water
for as long as you’ve been.
Your fingers on me,
feel like the first sunbeams that grace a leaf,
after a...
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 12:02 pm
life thoughts
Why is it that when I'm surrounded by the most people,
I feel the most alone?
That when I think of the billions of other
I feel a pit in my stomach,
swallowing me up from the inside,
overpowering me with all-consuming darkness.
How can a single grain of sand
feel remembered,
when it looks the same
as billions of others?
...Saturday 11th June 2022 12:13 am
As I Progress Through Life
As I progress through this thing called life,
I detach more and more from strife.
I rejoice in simple pleasures taught,
Because I fill my heart with love sought.
I still my mind and meditate,
Searching the universe in an ethereal state.
The peace I gain keeps me balanced and sane,
Ascending above this mortal plain.
The more I learn about this station,
The more ...
Friday 4th March 2022 6:13 pm
November Morning
Beep Beep Beep
The screaming of my alarm alerts me that it's time to stir awake from my sleepless dreams
I grab my mug and pour the dark liquid hell to get me through another day of 8-5
I grab my favorite unprepossessing red and brown checkered flannel with my short deep blue shorts
My eyes graze the outside sight of the glass infront of me
Cold, damp finger prints left by my hand as I begin ...
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 8:57 pm
Gathering in empty space
A bunch of flowers for my soul
The spring is nowhere to be seen
So I am hiding my face
Until I find the happy scene
In the movie I watch
All night and day
In my long way
To find inner peace
Gathering in the darkness
A piece of hope
The sun is nowhere to be seen
So I am talking with the night
To make myself breathe again
And find th...
Saturday 15th May 2021 6:49 pm
The leaves of the tree
Behind the house of glass are falling
With each step of the wind
They liberate themselves from the branches
From the complexity of the connections
Connection of the root with the trunk
Of the trunk with the branches
Of the branches with the leaves
The leaves liberated themselves
From the connections
From the dependence
The leaves of the ...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:18 am
A poem about a dream
As I took a breath, this morning
I wondered what it'd be
To be a body without life
and a body without feel
What feels like such a trauma
is also a reason to live
Cuz this is how we learn to fly after a fall
and how we dare to dare
I've known a lot of stories
and eyes that would tell more tales
But not every soul would speak up
nor every silence would stay put
I longed to take a s...
Friday 22nd March 2019 9:09 am
more poetry
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
how is life good and bad
at the same time
life is always two things at once
it is a little confusing
but, hay, so am I
i am very confusing
especially when I'm mad
the world is like the yin-yang
it is light and dark
how can life be light and dark
especially at the same time
So tell me what yo...
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:05 pm
Post Meditation
I grow the interest to know who thinks me,
I am still and silent at first,
The breath moves, I am given life,
I am in it, of it and with it,
The same as you, I am
I notice that my form is a vessel,
But I am not my form,
My thoughts run like programs
But I am not my thoughts
my emotions are felt deeply
But I am not my emotions
My body a sensory interpreter
...Saturday 20th May 2017 10:33 am
Tomorrow I Will Retire
Teach me to understand the fineness!
Wean me from boredom and laziness!
Manifest to me many times kindness!
I am your slave, but… please…
Don’t put me on my knees!
I love you, I love you my father and mother,
I strongly believe in the great mystery of yours,
Only you can forgive me as I am a sinner,
Only you can understand me and do not curse.
I am ...
Monday 13th May 2013 6:55 pm
met a nice gothgal and also could have been killed 30/7/11
After a varied night out where I met varied people including a Welsh Goth in Satan’s hollow, I returned home. Loaded up with 8 pints of beer and kebab and chips, I did the half an hour two mile walk home from trouble filled Oldham. Don’t want any kicking off at 3:30am. Making my way past the park, it happened. I saw 4 Asians walking down the middle of the road. I finishe...
Sunday 7th August 2011 10:44 pm
Something about me
I will tell you about me like this:
I will never be tall,
I will never be small,
I will never be a man,
I will never be a football fan.
I would certainly like to have coffee in bed,
but it looks so sad,
as I’ll have to get up,
without any make up,
then … to dress, then to undress.
I will never jump as high as 2 meters,
because…I won’t be able t...
Sunday 1st August 2010 10:01 am
I am not.....
I am not the sun,
I do not radiate light,
I like to have fun,
don't like to fight.
I am not the sun,
I can't live alone,
even having fun
I'd like to be flown.
Someone calls me sunny
and I certainly like it,
but prefer to hear honey,
for me it's more a fit.
I am not the sun,
I am just a woman.
Yes, I like to ...
Wednesday 21st July 2010 10:17 pm
I am one of those.....
I am one of those who likes to live,
to be a friend and to forgive.
I am one of those who hates a lie,
if it were for me a war I would deny.
I am one of those who likes to dream,
if to play games then in a family team.
I am one of those who likes to sing
and listen to the bells ring.
I am one of those who likes to laugh,
the time with my dear ones is no...
Wednesday 23rd June 2010 7:05 pm
If I am strong
If I am strong.
Is it a compliment to be strong?
I think it's not that and it's wrong.
If I am strong
Do I have to ignore my feelings?
They think I am like a steel
And will survive and cope with any drilling.
If I am strong
I would be able to overcome all those shrill feelings.
Is it really wrong to be strong?
But what should I do with my feelings?
It's so painful to b...
Sunday 20th June 2010 5:46 pm
I like to live my own life
I can smile,
Though sometimes it's so hard to do.
I can laugh,
Though sometimes the tears are running down.
I can look sometimes so lightminded, thoughtful.
I can joke, I can bear a lot of things,
But...sometimes I can't give away my offences,
And can't stand any pretences. those horrible moments
My soul pains hardl...
Saturday 19th June 2010 7:50 pm
I am as I am
I think it doesn't sound strange
if I don't want to be changed
but... just to be as I am.
I often hear some people say:
you ought, you should, you must.
You should work hard
and do everything fast.
But...I am grateful to the Lord
and take it as a reward
to be as I am.
There are some people
who want to meet me,
they say they need me;
Wednesday 26th May 2010 6:02 am
growing Up well
My life is not an open book
for just anyone to read
yet my life has no secrets
that cannot be revealed.
some people revel in revelation
Some like to gossip a lot
some like to know secrets
Thinking it puts them on top.
Truth is the more you know
the less able you are to discern
So busy gathering secrets
you forget to learn
that Life is its own revelation
We sho...
Sunday 4th April 2010 5:04 pm
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