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blood off my nails

carve the cloth off my skin,

wipe the polish off my nails,

scrape the itch off my flesh;

i can’t help it,

i won’t stand it again.


strawberry dressing on vanilla ice cream;

paint spilled over the notebook’s page

i feel the ink in my fingerprints,

it’s staining my hands.

i don’t know that i’ll ever get it out again


rip the skin off my bones,

pry my nails of...

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self harmself-harmself hateself-hate

Inner monster

“How could you?”

“What are you thinking?”

“You have no business being that angry young man!”


“Do you want to become your step father?”


anything to not be that monster

anything to not be like my mother either


My two states, lazy and angry.

I hate them both.


Turn it inward. Make it about you. It’s all your fault.

just as long as no one else is hurt.


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parental abuseself hate

Black Sheep And White Clouds

You're a steady stream of bad choices waiting to happen.

The eye of the storm, or the calm before it?
What's the difference?
It's going to ruin you anyway.
You're a constant trickle of water, wanting to make noise but too scared to do it.
Because you're a puppet controlled by strings.
Water controlled by the trap.

I wish my life was like a game show where you press the buzzer and you're...

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sad poemspoemself loathinglovepassionpainself hateblack sheep

A fight to survive

Seeing the beautiful sky,

From my dead eyes.

Wondering the beauty in the holy night,

Dark was the only colour which helps me to hide.


Hiding my sadness my sorrows my fear my cries,

Trying my best to keep the face with smile.

My hobbies,my joy, my emotions were becoming day by day a bit fewer,

Now I am just existing in the world, can't even face myself in the mirror.



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anxietydarkdepressionfearfighthatehelplesshelplessnessnightovercomeself destructionself harmself hate

A Drowning Dream.

To learn everyday was what taught to me,
Sinking in an ocean, moving steadily;
It was the ocean of knowledge and believes,
Suddenly the world changed, and power came to cease.

'Look at him, look at her', comparing to the whole world,
Trying my very best, to win in every word.
Becoming a good son, a dear brother and good friend,
But that 'I', was lost in the end.

I became what you want,...

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anxietybrokenbroken dreamscompassiondreamsdrowndrowninglow self-esteemself hateself worth

No title to this sad song

I feel no warmth in your stay,

only light flames from your exhaust lead the way. 

The deadliest parts of you,

I hold high and mighty.

“Clearly it’s  not working out”

you tell me while I’m crying  


what’s wrong with me  


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Sadhateself haterealationshipdeathcrysorrow100 best poetry blogs

I Hate You.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
That's all I can say for now.
You're selfish, you're heartless and nobody wants you around.

Why would anyone ever like a selfish cow like you.
An inconvenience, a burden and a terrible person to be, too.

I wish I could forgive you but I can't stand your sound.
You're pathetic, you're ugly...please just don't come around.

You can cover your ears and ...

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self loathingself hateanxiety


-To all the girls who love their beautiful  curly hair: 

Life just didn’t treat you fair. 

You started off as a soft delight 

then darkness grew, as the nights took flight. 

They screamed at you with venom, 

So you hid from their mighty bite


You ran home crying, 

because a bully tried to put up a fight. 


Coming home with mascara running down your face, 


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bonesdieingEating disorderhatesadself hate

Too Familiar

Today I woke with the all too familiar feelings again. Those never changing Feelings , except perhaps always only in depth. The Familiarity , like the type of stranger you've known all your life, rattles me every time .Each time it happens I feel something stirring deep inside me, a shift at the depths of my core. The slightest of movements almost like a wisp of air it silently flutters ,briefly ,...

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our other sideself doubtself hate

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