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climate change (Remove filter)

Climate Report

The hottest March, now ten months in a row.

Women from Switzerland have won their case;

Climate safety is one more human right.

There’s progress, but at far too slow a pace.


The likes of Greta Thunberg talk good sense,

Reminding us that we don’t do enough,

Because we are addicted to our jaunts

And piling up excess, transported stuff.


Although the world revolves an...

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climate change

Too Late?

The hottest January ever;

We’ve passed the one point five degrees.

Climate change is on the march,

Frying the air and boiling the seas.


Do not say we didn’t warn you;

We have been banging on for years.

But the actions of our leaders

Are running decades in arrears.


And don’t pretend it’s all fake news

Or the facts are inconclusive;

Evidence for such opinions


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climate change

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