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Climate Report

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The hottest March, now ten months in a row.

Women from Switzerland have won their case;

Climate safety is one more human right.

There’s progress, but at far too slow a pace.


The likes of Greta Thunberg talk good sense,

Reminding us that we don’t do enough,

Because we are addicted to our jaunts

And piling up excess, transported stuff.


Although the world revolves and life goes on,

For some, the heat is difficult to bear.

Our gilded universe may fall apart

If we fail to invest it with more care.


climate change

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 16th Apr 2024 21:51

Thanks, Auracle.

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Sat 13th Apr 2024 13:10

Still quite the poet of relevant news, Stephen.

Take care

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 12th Apr 2024 07:28

Thank you, Manish. Yes, I think everyone is potentially a victim of climate change.

Graham - I think you make the key point about changing attitudes - not an esy task.

MC - I'm not clear what you mean. We can't wait and do nothing. Luckily, the Swiss Women and Greta Thunberg are doing something.

And thanks to Hugh, Steve and Bethany for their support.

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 11th Apr 2024 17:13

When I look back at my lifetime of consuming stuff to provide for a family's growth and development, compared to now when apart from food we virtually purchase nothing, it's a though invoking feeling.

However, I do not consider that we have been wasteful but I do wonder how the authorities can change attitudes and habits on a global scale to effect a difference.

As usual, you make us think Stephen


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M.C. Newberry

Thu 11th Apr 2024 17:06

Safeguarding the world from excessive man-made influences is always good policy.
To adapt a well-known US service saying of other days.
Go tell it to the Asians!

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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 11th Apr 2024 15:56

"Our gilded universe may fall apart
If we fail to invest it with more care."
Nicely done, Stephen, it's been the hottest March here in Bangalore too, waiting for the rain.

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