The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Running (Remove filter)

We could run

She’s back, back from the worries and woes

Back to her laughs and chuckles 

And we’ve gone back, back to our first days

Camden Palace no more

I should Koko you can now say

Beth Ditto on a Monday night whatever next

Rolling back the years

Yes I’ve got my little girl back

Shorter hair, but not short of love and laughter

Swaying and singing at the top of our voices

Eyes ...

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Beth DittoHappinesslaughterrunrunningsinging

Running Power


I feel



Heart whipping the veins

Legs pounding

Lungs heaving

Breath chugging

Muscles relieving

And I'm accelarating faster

And faster

And faster

Till I beat the wind

My legs a blur


My legs will tire

But my spirit flies


And free

Like the wind

With a whoosh



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Yet Still I Run

How many times can one person be reinvented

I have run from myself so many times

I have fled from who I am

in order to be someone better

But always I fall short

Always I fail

Always I become someone changed but still the same

Always I leave behind the good

And carry with me the bad

I flee from the things I hate

Like a bat out of hell

I try to outrun the parts of my...

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runningselfparts of myselfchangechangingreinvention of selfreinventedrunbettertrying to be betterfailure

Im Gonna Go Until Im Not

Who the fuck could run a marathon?


What kind of psychopath does it take to remain in physical motion for so long?


My limbs have never been as strong as the rest,


As far as endurance is concerned.


I can lift




But the idea of a marathon is bullshit to me.


We run because we must.


Limits are fun to break


But some leave no v...

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Above, Beyond

The morning, crisp and broken by the curfew
Of rising larks and pigeons in the choir,
Its breaching sun is bursting through the grass dew
And thinning out the misty dawn's perspire.
Many rest upon their linen sheets around
And you, the only currently arise,
Solo is your ally when breaking the ground;
Undistracted, undisturbed - your alibis.

Your muscles twitch uncertain of their purpose,

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Running Man


Quickly pitting his wit

against an enemy

he reaches for his gun

the barrel is empty

the chamber clicks echo


Staggered staggering speed

as they close in he thinks

again which way to run

the white sedated walls

scream fear, shrinking backwards


A thorn through a window

whisperingly draws blood

as it strokes his cheek

reminding t...

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