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Those Boobs

No hormonal concession

Even in the time of this recession

The mole hills grew into lofty peaks

Attention they grab, attention it seeks

Those that knew wonder how did they grow

The bralette yesterday demands a full surface today

The vibrant richness is for all to rejoice and enthrall.

All this entertainment only in a year...

Corona for sure added some weight

But thirty tw...

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Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love

How to tell a joke -Advice given to a Lady-

                  How to tell a joke

              -Advice given to a Lady-


PREAMBLE- Know your audience Know your subject

PREPARATION: WRITE out your joke in full, read it aloud many times.

REMOVE all diversions, inconsequential and trivial.

CHECK for confused references.

ENSURE you have a command of the required terminology.

DO Laugh at other people's jokes before attem...

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I Am a Lady


I am a lady of a stunning age,

I can still perform on a stage.

I can still be someone’s pride,

My range of interests is wide.


Putting on a stunning dress

I’ll make every man confess

She is a woman of super class

Who hates swagger and sass.


With sniper fidelity and my charm,

Without any noise and extra alarm

I’ll kill all men on the spot,...

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Together we go to the nuclear bunker in York.                                                               

You wear red and black how Goth.                                                                          

You’re my pipistrelle bat.                                                                                 

How special is our day out but we hav...

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my karentripyournuclear bunkerladygothloveromance

New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

Our Never Had Romance

Part of the "Lady of the Sweetest Smile" series, the song is samg by Guillherme Shroeter of Brazil, who wrote the music to my lyrics.

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