The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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L is for limitless.
For our limitless love
that will continue to grow.

O is for only you.
For you're the only one
I adore to see.

V is for voice.
For your voice that speaks
of an angel.

E is for extraordinary.
For our extraordinary love
for another, that is so rare.

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The Monster in me

Hate to be the monster they see
when they look at me through my eyes
and hate to be the daughter
that they disgrace with heart.

Because, I am nothing but a mistake,
I am as worthless as the dirt we walk on,
and I am as imperfect as anyone can be.

But, as for my sister she is like a princess
in my parents giving eyes.
She's everything that I am not.
She's there perfect little angel

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New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

Our Never Had Romance

Part of the "Lady of the Sweetest Smile" series, the song is samg by Guillherme Shroeter of Brazil, who wrote the music to my lyrics.

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I Was the Reluctant Lover


I was the reluctant lover
She was a Goddess divine
I was not as brave as a man should be
And so her heart was never mine

Oh, am I the fool of legend
Am I the only one
Who loved and lost as I never tossed
My hat in the ring till the girl was gone?

And as I look at the picture
Her face...

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loveamoreadoreamiciwomanunrequited lovepassioninfatuation

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