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Japan (Remove filter)


I chanced upon karaoke

Before I knew it in the West.

One evening in Yokohama,

As beer and saké flowed, we heard

‘My Way’, a classic of its kind,

Mauled by half-drunk salarymen.

Sumo-like bouncers were on hand,

But, in truth, there was no trouble.

As we left, ‘Fly me to the moon’

Was warbled gamely through the smoke.

Later, all staggered on to trains,

Or crashed in ...

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Lovers in secret
Will they bring shame to themselves
Promised to others

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Tokyo Lights

We are not siluets, 
we are above them all.
The red stripes in my head
keep running with no control.

And then the long street keeps
all the blue lights i am calling home,
forever banned for me
without coming and return.

I see the color blindness,
seeing sides of you.
Delighted with any moment
that i am stuck into.

I am far away from myself,
far away from you.
Tokyo lights i am ...

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poetrywriting poetryjapanlife writingguitarmusic.

Mean Time

When I think it's time for bed,

You first raise a sleepy head.

When to dreamy dawn I wake

You at teatime take your break

I make lunch in noonday sun

As your long day's work is done.

You sit up till two or three

while we cook and eat our tea.

You are in tomorrow then.

Not just elsewhere, but quite elsewhen. 


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She wants to feel 日本 (Japan)

Hair black as midnight,
Kimono sleeves whispering of plum;
Haiku she breathes to me
Beneath the yellow moon.

She says I need to see Tokyo,
And Kyoto in the rain.
I say, "I’ll go if you’re there—"
I’ll say anything.

She draws pictures of Mount Fuji
In charcoal, and puts them
All over the house,
Knowing I’ll see them

And remember the color of the mist,
And the smell of incense

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There was a Young Man from Kyoto

There was a young man from Kyoto,
who was awfully fond of a photo,
when he saw a kimono,
his eyesight went mono,
and now a kimono’s a no-no.

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One Step Ahead


One Step Ahead 

One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they can’t catch us here!

Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the...

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warjapandutchaustraliaflying boatsfightersdeathpeople




How many pilots died and old aircraft lost when they flew over jagged snowy peaks in the remotest corners of the world? Doing a dangerous job knowing the risks and trusting in fate and luck to bring the through. Some never made it, there planes impacting vertical mountain sides in sickening crashes. Bodies lost forever, frozen in the time of death. Icily cold and otherworldly ...

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One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they cant catch us here! Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the ...

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warpacificjapandutch east indiesloss

"We Reap What We Sow" - Japans Tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2011

"We Reap What We Sow" - Japans Tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2011

The recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan in the wake of the recent earthquakes and tsunami shows what folly man has to think that he can contain forever and in all eventualities the power of nuclear energy.

No one thought of the force of a tsunami wave breaking the cooling system on th...

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JapanTsunamiFukushimaNuclearDisaster 2011

'Devastation' (with recent events in Japan in mind).




Leads to candle light

Leads to despair

Leads to repair

Too... togetherness



Leads to who you are

As a people

As a person

As one



Leads to the sorrow

Leads to the loss

Leads to the humbling

That brings out,

the best of human kind


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