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Blame (Remove filter)

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In Hell, the flames are rising;

Bodies lie, in respectful rows.

The dead are remembered, mourned;

As grieving begins, the missing are missed.

Borders, faith? It all means nothing;

Flags and fat commanders are a joke.


If one could define tragedy,

This is a tragedy.

And yet, what happens, happens.

The usual suspects dish out blame,

But few of us are free from blame...

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All Putin’s Fault

All Putin’s Fault

The man cries

No more wife

No more child

No more family

No more home

No more Ukraine

No more happiness

Huge bomb craters

All Putin’s fault

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The Blame

The bird had put the blame

On the wind

To escape from the accusations

Made by the rose

The wind had put the blame

On the season

To define herself as the breeze

That every flower wants to seize

The time had put the blame

On the ambigous space

To defend her soul once again

Arguing that she was not feeling the same

The artist had put the blame

On the lyrics of t...

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Advertised everywhere

No chance for it to be ignored

The blaring signals and sirens

Please don't use the excuse that you're bored


The excuses and reasons don't work

Not anymore

We've endured the lies but now

You even deceived the law


You did not leave out of choice

You were removed

Lying to yourself and to others

You seem confused


The rules apply ...

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Blame is so easy to do. Make you believe when it's not even true. You do it to make yourself feel better, selfishly only thinking of you. Yeah, I've been victim to it to. It's a viscous cycle were the purpose is to purposefully misconstrue. You say things that you know aren't the truth. Just to save the image of YOU. In time where does that get you, when all your words are untrue. Yeah, I'll admit...

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Is It Warm In Here?

Is It Warm In Here?

Is it warm in here, or is it me?
I used to live inland
and couldn’t see the sea,
now the salty brine
is up above my knees.
Is it warm in here, or is it me?

Is it warm in here, or is it you?
Polar bears are sunbathing.
Penguins don’t know what to do
because all the ice has gone
along with the igloos.
is it warm in here, or is it you?

Is it warm in here, or is ...

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BardCoblameclimate changeglobal warmingresponsibility

Mommy Please

Mommy please don't let me go,
don't let me be your second priority
because, for 14 years you'd left me
before I could see you;
my mother who'd brought me here

Did you not love me?
I dared to ask myself
and was I what you wanted
I dared to think of.

For years I stood here in pain
and you stood so far away
i'd began to wonder if.
If you'll always be
just a thought in my mind

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beggingblamelove memommysadwonder

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