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heart and soul (Remove filter)


" Hello moon," can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

The waves crashed loud, my heart beat fast, tears fell down my cheeks as I cried,

"Hello moon" can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

My feet touched the ocean waves as the moon shined bright on my teary face

I just want to let her go, ...

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brokenheart and soulLove lostlove passionobsessionlosssadnessmoonlgbt

Bending reality

Your own mind is yours to keep,
as long as you don't decide to follow the sheep,
Start bending all reality, this will give you your own normality,
Dance in your own style and you will stand out a mile,
Sing songs where ever you go and put on your own one man show,
Do what you want, will make you full of glee,
Then you will find you will be absolutely free,
Freedom is a state of mind and thi...

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MINDdancingfreedomcontentmentparadiseheart and soulgoalenjoying your life no matter what.

Who Say's I Can't Be Happy All The Time

Singing and dancing makes me happy all day,
It makes me happy in every single way,
Who says I can't be happy all the time,
If I was then would that be a crime,
I now know I could live alone,
Because my heart and soul has really grown,
I used to try and share my joy,
To every girl and boy,
I'll keep it to myself,
Even if I get left on the shelf,
Because nothing bothers me anymore,
I will...

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happinessDancingsinging songsabsoulte joyemotionalheart and soulloveeverything

One Day

Everyday is a journey.
Everyday something is learned.
Everyday each one of us is loved.
And everyday is a brand new day.

But, like you and everyone else
I will take my last breath
and say my last goodbyes.

And when I do
don't feel sorrow
because one day
we will all have to leave.

So, when that day comes
know that I'll be watching
over you from above,
know that I'll always be wi...

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deathheart and soulheavenone day

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