fashion (Remove filter)
The Evo’s Gift - Forgiven Sin
The resounding sins, of
many echo through
their etheric karma
manifesting the
good intentions, of
Personal Truth
at the end of the day the air waves:
find their way back home,
when the sun goes down, and
the lights go out at night
lightning never strikes the same place twice
however, once in a while you wonder…How?
In the world we live in —
Wednesday 25th December 2024 10:20 am
size them up
had me my hand me downs
and, we all know too well known
if the shoe fits wear it
nicest stuff is worn out and she wore my XXL shirt around the house
her chores, get done…
one bra in the wash and no panties on
The first steps
commemorated with expensive shoes,
soles being broken in,
a mash of burning glass,
molten sand and in it,
it’s silica content
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:11 pm
walk the line
My turn
I’m going to
spin the bottle
no one ever even noticed me
in High School
our first kiss
needs to be perfect
you don’t get a redo
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:58 pm
love-hate relationship
obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting
you’re setting yourself up for failure
possible optimism
two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:56 pm
Red Dye Number 40
in pursuit of riches
snapped twigs, and
exhausted —
all my resources …
in the heat of the moment.
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:55 pm
Lost Angels
Tupac Amaru Shakur
Los Angeles
thug poetry
40 ounces of malt liquor
Olde English and calligraphy
slurring my words…
sounds as if I’m speaking in cursive
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:53 pm
take your shoes off at the door
I’ll take your coat
your hair smells refreshened
from the ozone
remnants of soap
lathered and rinsed out
in the rain shower
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:51 pm
attacking my integrity
questioning… me
I, was taught there was no such thing as a stupid question
second guessing…
you were impolite.
looking for answers in an inner view
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:50 pm
Stars and Stripes
big brother
little kids,
children in the middle
civil war torn nations
civil discourse
say your prayers
“Our Father”
we gather together to ask for salvation
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:47 pm
High Performance
Spun -
A burnout —
driven to madness
in a
drug fueled accident
What a catastrophe!
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:45 pm
cellular division
the genomic sequence
time is a light matrix
encoded in
0’s & 1’s
goes on forever …
and, in that order
10, 9.
A singularity
and absolute zero
the big freeze or heat death
he said no one can help us
when, asking the universe
for answers
what, times any number
… is nothing other than zero
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:53 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Family Ties
and put in line
following the customs
of those, who
came before them
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:50 pm
Moral Support
We shouldn’t be embarrassed
to talk
…. about our problems
to a therapist
always looking at me, before you speak
I’m here for —You
if ever
you feel the need to talk about anything.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:48 pm
Trojan Horse
Generation X
this ease
that is,
going viral…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:46 pm
Web of Lies
like a spider
checking in on his victim
tied up, entangled …
makes me think
of a bad dream
the familiar feeling of
waking up to the news of death
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:44 pm
They say he has his way with the ladies
the bruiser at the door
thought to himself
hey, let’s not get carried away
what a light weight ...
they had been seen leaving together
after a fight—being broken up
over a year at least
she said to all her girlfriends
“it was like I was blinking
then my eyes rolled back
into my head and everything went black”
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:42 pm
Bible on a night stand
intermingling with a demon in the flesh
you realize your life was a lie
and your soul suffers in hell
for what feels like an eternal
date with death
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:41 pm
A child
talking black
to their parents
acting out of character
arguing about upbringing
taken back
some things are best left unsaid…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:39 pm
Dark Side of the Moon
the premonitions
foreshadow people
who live lives with
similarities parallel to our very own
when your third eye intakes light
and all the shades disappear in the night
their life is vibrant
the dream seen as an auric phenomenon
it’s either that
Or, are you completely isolated
in the back of the black of your eyelids
see an oracle or dream interpreter,
our aura’s rainbo...
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:37 pm
Fog of War
smoking barrels
in talks —about the past
around the campfire
you could cut the tension with a knife
the only thing needed is a good sense of humor
…try not to lose your self along the way
the buddy system
side by side
do you trust that man with your life?
willing to take a bullet for them?
behind every great man is a great woman…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:36 pm
Sweating in my Sleep
This is a dream full of desires,
and I like to think
when we go to sleep eternally
our soul
will not be without
the rest in heaven.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:34 pm
Dubbed Subtitles
what I say goes —
if I say so -
don’t allow an application to control anything
they need permission in these settings
and turn down your background music
“for what?”
if I’m going to green light your on screen time
we cannot have anyone getting an extreme close up
portray a picture perfect image
believe me...
flash forward,
when you’re using the front camera shutter you’ll see
Friday 6th September 2024 11:01 pm
Waxing Poetic
my love letter
stamped with a pair of pressed lips
then sealed with a kiss
the silent observer.
waiting for his moment
with the present
trying quietly not to mouth breathe aloud
smothered in your undergarments
while fire from the two flames
on a magic candle
over and over
like a brazier come undone
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:02 pm
The Vacuum of Space
star dust -
quantum particles —
and, strings ...
from the fabric of the universe
ashes to ashes,
A bindi
black glasses,
fragmented obsidian
and, an asteroid belt
A Shero
— deified
hereafter she received
Saturn’s ring.
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:00 pm
Clothing Line
cut from a different cloth
dyed in the wool you pulled over your eyes
you made your bed now lie on it
is a wonderful day to die innit
I dress my wounds
and wear my heart on my sleeve
with cuff links & fingers crossed
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:41 pm
just walk away
pack your bags
go get ready
to walk the walk
through the traffic
of differing directions
wave down the runway
and remember…
never, look back
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:38 pm
I Am Out of Fashion
Are you pumping your asses? Come on!
Are you pumping tits and lips… Come on!
There are tattoos on your eyebrows, ass.
You forgot the word, LASS.
You know how to comb your hair.
But you don’t know how to be fair.
You know how to do makeup
But you don’t know how to wash up.
You know how to make money doing nothing,
But you don’t know how to do something.
You l...
Friday 10th May 2024 5:29 pm
steel wool
for the unyielding man at arms
meant to be wielded
with a quick wit and an iron fist
It seems to me
could use a good shoe shine
to assist with
my rugged exterior
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:02 pm
Silk wraps baseball caps
Cotton bow ties on wedding hats
Vintage buttons on modern jackets
Handbags designed like crisp packets
Fishnet tights and lycra cling on
Printed t-shirts Jeans with bling on
Rara skirts with vivviene shirts
Tight mini dresses for all you flirts
Over the knee boots
Boots with studs on
Jogging bottoms and tops hoods on
Pattern socks odd socks if you're feeling sil...
Friday 29th April 2022 12:53 pm
The Coming of a New Age
With every year's end - the advent marks the start of a new day,
as human kind we’re always growing wiser, furthermore, fully face to face with the task of taking baby steps toward a straight forward path —
It’s time to take a stand…
(With that being said: we really need to enjoy such a joyous occasion)
In an effort to boost morale; International Women’s Day should pronounce a two part holiday...
Friday 15th April 2022 8:35 am
"Cancel Couture"
Go home
Take a shower
Put on your brand-new Couture
Walking down the street as clean as can be
Though you know your character lacks such hygiene
Carefully avoiding anything that will dirty your all-white attire
Your outfit is custom made of course
But yet the inevitable happens
The same way you ruined the previous ensemble
Destroys any hope for salvage
And w...
Tuesday 4th May 2021 3:18 pm
Fashion - Poem by Marie
I am a mannequin fashion me today
bend me shape me any way
Make me look like your woman
I am you mannequin I love you
look into my eyes shy blue
Take me break me into pieces
Dress me in your fancy fleeces
Show me off in any style
I have just one request
Please go with me the mile
I am your mannequin, I'm all yours
we can open many doors
do w...
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:02 pm
Generation Gap, Next...
Take me back to the days of heady boutiques
Those psychedelic shades which heighten the senses
Racks of lush purple velvet, loon pants, cheesecloth, suede mini skirts
Float me to Biba, Granny Takes A Trip
Where tender darkness and patchouli wafting
Not sickly Haribo sweetness...clinging, cloying
Monday 15th January 2018 5:49 pm
Passing Fashions
When they grow up they dress in a new life:
a family of new suits and shirts to wear.
And the ties are new too.
He strides out on his new catwalk
proudly wearing his new self,
blind to the day the cloth may unravel
or fade or lose its style.
What will clothe him then?
I shall not grace his shoulders again:
I am the coat he has outworn
in my pockets are his memories
...Saturday 25th November 2017 4:17 pm
I can't take my eyes off those silver boots
I went window shopping a couple of weeks ago, not planning on parting with any cash, but then, I saw these beauties. Three thoughts flashed in a state of instant wild excitement: 1. Starman. 2. Noel Fielding. 3. Give them to me nowwwwww! And then I thought of this - ENJOY!
I will wear them down the pub
I will shop in them at Sainsburys
I went to a book launch in them last week
I hoovered...
Tuesday 9th February 2016 9:59 pm
...and a new pair of shoes
How do I love my shoes?
Let me count the ways.
I love their comfort and style and price.
When my foot can slip in
when kicking out of sight
foolish Insults and remarks.
I love them for their shine
and waterproofing,
Quiet in the walking,
By sun and torch-light.
I love the comfort as men
strive for Comfort.
I love their fashionability,
as they bask In praise...
Monday 21st December 2015 9:51 pm
Fashion antithesis
The fashion industry grips girls and boys in a funny spot,
Gets self hatred leaking from their mouth's like a money shot.
‘Cos there’s nothing wrong with exercise to tighten your thighs,
But there’s something wrong with drinking bleach to purify your insides.
So if we run out of cannabis,
I’ll have to handle this,
Just to release the pressure on her
With a fashion antithesis.
Friday 18th January 2013 11:29 pm
Fashion Womble
I am a fashion womble, ‘cause I like to find
clothes that the everyday folk leave behind
in charity shops. They’ve got quite a range
the vintage, the bargain, the oddball and strange:
Chenille turtlenecks that are falling to pieces,
stonewashed Wranglers with turn-ups and creases,
a Hellbunny dress that won’t fit round the middle,
a gabardine coat that smells s...
Friday 24th February 2012 9:09 am
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