unnoticed (Remove filter)
She was trying
Trying to be calm
Trying to mute the
Monologue inside her mind.
Full of contradictions to herself,
Full of arguments
Full of endless thoughts
She felt like being pulled
In a spiral
Down and down and down
With each breath she took
Swallowing her own soul
As if she split up
Into two halves
Halves against each other
She was he...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 5:13 pm
A broken girl...
She cried out for help but no one came,
Once again they ignored her cry.
And now thanks to their deafened ears,
She took her life and choose to die.
She was never really heard or seen,
And still not one person cared.
No one though it would end this way,
No one thought that she would dare.
When they heard this girl was dead,
They all search for a face.
But they find is an empty seat,
Saturday 16th June 2018 8:25 am
Bit of a cough
I have got a bit of a cough I say
That is why my voice is breaking
Like shattered glass
And that my tears might trickle I say
I must have forgot to mention
How it is not only my oesophagus that blisters and pinches
Followed by crackles and sizzles
And that a tsunami is likely
Yet no diagnosis
And maybe I am not ill at all
I must have neglected to mention that
Thursday 22nd October 2015 12:53 pm
Lost Child
Each day I starve
is another day closer to death.
Each day that i'm not loved
is another day i realize
that i am not worthy.
And each day that I'm ignored by others
is another day that I'd rather be dead
than suffering in pain.
Because as I've become
this wandering offspring,
I've become to be invisible
to you and all others.
Cause can't you see
that my light brown hair
has b...
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 2:45 am
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