The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

through a windshield (11-25-2023)


thru all the glue

filn history's glossy cracks

and all the pines

from wane to wax

we were(are, perhaps)

moonrise bent

lain with backs

pressed on tarmac

slid red, long

longer than we thought possible.

dream-licked heads

shattered and spread :

painted lines on painted lines


painted lines

down along this serpentine road.

without a motion ...

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Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

Today is the Tomorrow You created Yesterday

We are who we are Today because we were who we were Yesterday. We do what we do Today because we did what we did Yesterday. We will become who we become Tomorrow because of who we are Today. So, if you get stuck in who you were Yesterday, instead of Living who you are Today, then who you become Tomorrow, will be shaped more by who you were Yesterday, than who you are Today. Just to ...

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The leaves of the tree

Behind the house of glass are falling

With each step of the wind

They liberate themselves from the branches

From the complexity of the connections

Connection of the root with the trunk

Of the trunk with the branches

Of the branches with the leaves

The leaves liberated themselves

From the connections

From the dependence


The leaves of the ...

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independenceLifeRealrunawaypoemstrongindependentbeautifulfreedomfreepoetrynaturecontrailsskywomanbreakfreehappyliberatedconnectionsismy lifebestbeyourselfselflove


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