The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

poetry (Remove filter)

Transcendent Love

Dear Lord, please find me 

somebody to love.  

God replied, no, 

not just one love. 

I give you an ocean 

of eternal love 

found only in faith, 

poetry and music. 

From this special place, 

you will find love 

like you have never known,

from kindred spirits

around the world, 


space and time, 

to give you a glimpse 

of the divine. 



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The Day After The Day of Days

In the memory of all the flames that ignited coastlines,
The strings of dazzling Christmas lights,
The long-forgotten chronic normalcy,
The countless ceremonial wreaths—

I realize that from one beginning to the next,
We often overlook the vast expanse of nothingness.
Our stories swing from one pole to its antipode. 
The aftermath, a distant folklore.

But every grocery store receipt,

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PoetrydayaftermathChristmasNew Year

thinking of robert frost


thinking of a poet



in a new england village

an old man wandered

the road towards me

thick crop of frosted hair


snowflakes started to fall


he shuffled along

looking here

looking there


a flight of geese

flew in a perfect V pattern



he watched them disappear

then walked

towards me slowly

a bit confused


hello ...

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new englandpoetryrobert frostsnoewoods

The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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Kiss Me

Kiss me
  in the strawberry fields 
  of your mind.

Kiss me
  in rhythm 
  and rhyme.

Kiss me 
  until darkness 
  becomes sunshine.

Kiss me
  from pain
  to pleasure divine.

Kiss me
  through sands 
  of time.

Kiss me
  beyond death
  to life sublime.

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I Want to Die In Poetry

I Want to Die In Poetry

Ujjal Mandal, India
6th December 2020

Where are you, all?
Come and dip me
In the hues of poetry.
I want to die in poetry.

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Roots of Love

Roots of Love

Ones moon rises as the others descends.

The Sun brings their identity as they unlock their worlds.

One gusts into the world as Air.

One ignites into the world as Fire.

One love’s expressing through intellectuality!

One’s motivated by inspirations and aspirations!

The moon is the Soul of their identities.  

One’s Soul reacts to experiences,

with discernment ...

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Composition of Intimacy

Compostition of Intimacy

With fears of eternal solitude, I called truce.

Obstacles fill the atlas of our hearts, 

distracting our impressions of exquisite Love.

Our painful beliefs insist we reprieve our minds,

voiding our previously learned doctrines of romance.

Phobias of Love furiously traveled the hourglass of our lives.

Chaos constrained our philosophy of enchantment,


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When I read your poems,

I fall in love with you. 

Then I read his poems, 

and fall in love with him too.

I admit it,

I can’t quit it.

I’m a PoHo, 

like Phoebe Snow!

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The Soul of the Moon

I stole the soul of the moon,

Kept it unclothed to illume

Dark, deserted manor rooms 

And fireflies that forever loom 

Above fifty forsaken tombs.


I secured a piece for me,

Kept it between creases deep 

And verses of revered balladry 

Written on the tattered leaves 

Of my hands rickety.


But then came a shooting star,

Its hands stocked with bits of its hea...

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moonPoetryneonfriendtemporaryshooting star



I would always seek refuge in you

But you could never love me the way I wanted you to

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self obsessed


You love calling me crazy too

Lying holding your breath you’re turning blue

As I start calling out your other muse

Said I’m the only one that you choose

Feeding me another empty excuse

You swung giving me the ugliest bruise



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Withered The Storm

You were this horrible dark cloud
That came rushing in
disguised as the sunshine
Just with a slight dim
You spread Ray's of lies all over me
Washing me with a fairytale
That would soon end  tragically
When the truth was discovered
You began to thunder loudly
Making rippling BOOMS
That shook my entire body
You may have rainbows on you
But your not my pot of gold
Having issues standing

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When tears run down your cheeks

When your heart seems cold

And the world seems bleak

When life seems so hard to face

When life brings you to your edge

That moment you start to break

When you feel you cant handle anymore

The pain inside wont subside

The Inner voices beginning to roar 

Know that ill be there for you

To wipe away those tears that shed

holding you clos...

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Like a sweater 

It hugged me closer 

and never let me 


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naked body, naked heart

tucked knees in chest, like i was trying to protect

myself, because no one else would protect me

bare arms around bare legs

because all i needed then was a hug,

but all i had was myself

searing hot on my skin, droplets sliding down my back

and splattering on the bathtub floor

i turned it as hot as it could go,

because i needed something, anything


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if my heart were a well

if my heart were a well,

it would be deep.

during the day i would go about my life

but when it would turned dark, trying to sleep

i‘d sit by the well

staring up at the lights strung up on the ceiling you call the night sky

and i would grow aware,

aware of the hollowness

and suddenly i would thirst for a cool drink

my throat becoming itchy, i’d try to fill the well


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my mind is a maze

a dark labyrinth

a closed trap

my thoughts run around like scared mice

they’re squeaking and scampering

and running around in a craze

delusional, one might say

loud and quiet and fast

they’re mad and shy and cry

but only because they’re terrified

they just want to be saved, to be heard

but my mouth doesn’t open

doesn’t say a word

it’s weak a...

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Lost in the Lyrics

I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song. 

Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.

I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time... 

Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor,  Bob Seger, Barb...

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Movies at Midnight

Streams of consciousness,
Trapped in a panoply of celluloids
And abandoned plastic films,
Catch my eye.

I share them on the big screen
Where silent silver stills breathe
And glide across skylines
At midnight.

They inch closer to me.
The starry-eyed starlets seal
The gulf that lies
Between our eyes,
And fill my ears
With secrets and whispers
That I've heard before
In theatres, st...

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A Vagabond's Road

A lonesome vagabond

Whistled away through his life-

Through autumn, summer and the cruel cold.

He lived a life, so kind, so benign, 

Myriad pathways he could've chosen.

Pathways adorned with petals of roses,

But a bed of roses would've given him no thrill 

Through summer fever and winter chills.

Today he lies in moth-devoured drapes,

At the edge of the very road that gra...

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I weave daisies
Into garlands and wreaths-
Cottagecore fantasies-
Where toil appears easy,
And tempests breezy,
Where sour fruits are glazed in honey.
My fingers claw
At the garlands they birth
Till petals fall
And blend seamlessly into the dirt.

They blend seamlessly into the dirt,
Like brown tatters on the ground.
The sun's sinking into the earth,
As winter's coming around,
The w...

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Paper Friends


Leaving seems so hard

Until you actually leave


The peculiar truth is

Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic

Leaving the places which seemed to matter

Leaving the paper people I once met

Leaving, forgiving & moving forward


What a trouvaille I encountered

To leave the paper connection

Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic

Leaving them in the ocean ...

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I Will Not Bow

I am not broken

I am stronger than you can imagine

I am not giving up

I do not know the meaning of the word

I am no failure

I have come too far to give up

I am my light

Now you can watch me shine

Because life is about taking a risk

Moreover, the risk is what it is all about.

I am not alone

If you do not know what this means

Then I pity you

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How Far I've Come

I had to conquer my fear of the unknown as I stepped through the open the door to start on my new journey.

With a promise to fulfill
My heart shall never falter
Because I found my purpose

With each new day|
With a heart of gold
With every step I take
With every discovery I make

I have seen how much more it takes
I have seen how far I have come
I have seen how much I have grown
I h...

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poetryreal lifetragedy

Ask Me.

Ask me if I had enough.

2020 is or was a bluff 

for the destruction of what I thought I had

building all the way up.

if the present isn’t linear 

then why can’t i stop looking up?

if the past does not exist

why does it always creep up?

I, once a Quantanium sprayed ora

that now seems to only have collected dust.

So please, I beg you.

Ask me if I had enough.



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poetspoetryreal lifelove*sad*pain*memorypain.



We live in a time of cosmic bifurcation, we live in a time of unprecedented existential threats to life on Earth, including climate change, deforestation, food insecurity, and wildlife numbers in free fall, human overpopulation. the society is in turmoil. There is more and more violence. There’s more and more conflict. We are acting as if we are unconne...

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Instead of inhaling 

doom and gloom, 

let’s take a walk

in the woods, 

play hide and seek 

among willow trees,

Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul, 

Become one with dirt and rain, 

bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins, 


just what the doctor ordered.


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Eagle Eye

My eagle eye sweeps
The room nursing maimed dreams 
And stifled memories
Which make walls bleed 
When drubbed by the hollow breeze.

Who am I except a mute bystander?
Unfazed by the detritus,
My steady gaze punctures
The flesh of aged and nascent delusions.

Stay, stay with me,
Before I leave, 
And catch a train 
To a place where summer rains 
Submerge mundane lands 
And bleached s...

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Poetrydreamseagle eyememoriesmundanerainsskytrain


The Black voice is electrifying.


Bringing forth worlds never imagined,

From dominions in Africa to mystical spheres unheard of.

Telling tales of majestic beings, kings, queens and the simple Black girl next door.


The Black voice. Telling Black stories.


We need Black literature because it shows

That our stories matter.

That our histories are worth sharing.


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Black Historyblack history month and cultural diversitypoempoetryblack lives matterlifehopefreedom

For the birds

I’ve never felt closer to the birds.
Closer to my fears Closer to the curb.
falling down, picking myself back up
I’m not used to this, I was expecting the crash
Suddenly I feel the spine growing in my back
Arching my neck, lifting my chin up
Slowly but surely, I’m starting to not give a fuck.

I feel the sunshine embracing my face
Telling me I’m gorgeous, never sounding fake
Realer than ...

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the birdspoetryabuse survivor

So Demanding

Something is telling me to clean up my act
But something else keeps holding me back
& something keeps telling me to run away, before it’s too late.
Before you permanently change me

All these what ifs keep me still
A prisoner in an imaginary cell
To bound by my insecurities; my own personal hell
to realize that I am living in a free woman's body.

And you say I’m lazy & I don’t know what...

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Your hands have turned to catacombs
& you don’t know when exactly but sometime last month the last of your violets wilted in the hollows of your collarbones.
You’ve got spiderwebs for eyelashes the pupils of a black widow
and when they ask you if you’re okay, you explain you haven’t eaten much today

you smile with brittle-boned teeth.
Your heart feels unsteady in the way that it just won’t ...

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poetryeating disorderself-harm

Femme Fatale

My name is known, my intentions are not. 
I sleep alone, with you in my thoughts. 
Wage the wars, fight the demons. 
I hold back the tears, but you hear me screaming. 

I am the ship that wrecked at shore. 
Constant conquest for happiness fought no more. 
I am the captain of the evil & damaged. 
We’re strong because we know we can survive. 
You can not kill those who have already died. 


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poetryfemme fatalemasochism


Irony is a malicious art-form. It’s shocking and sneaky and dripping with deceit.
Is it a karmic curse? Do I deserve to be toyed with like a worn out voodoo doll?
Did I ask for this? All the years of not caring at all.

Putting myself in harms way begging to be struck. 
Dancing around the fire drunk with a lust for self-sabotage.
And escaping fate every single time. 
It seems like a bad-jok...

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poetryptsdanxietypanic attacksmental health


If i were a butterfly
and you, the boy with the net
would you catch me?
would you keep me as a pet?
in a jar made of glass?

Could you bear to let me fly
without weeping for the loss?
Could you restrain your urge 
To feel my wings beat against your fingers?

Or would you reach out
knowing the cost
and brush the powder from my wings
so that i could no longer fly away?

Would you kee...

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Where do Lolita's go to Rot

To all the old men who once loved me to pieces
who once held me in their big callused hands 
like they were terrified to break me
when it's exactly what they planned to do:

You once looked at me 
like i was the galaxy sprawled out in front of you
You once looked at me like i was infinite 
Transcendant and eternal, time-proof

You wouldn't shoot me a second glance now, 
if i walked into...

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lolitapoetryVladimir Nabokov

I Am Poetry

I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.  

I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky. 
I am the chiseled smile. 

I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.

I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.

I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go. 

I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.

I am ...

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Tears of a Poet

When I think of Carlos, 
a beautiful soul of a man, 
emotional, heartfelt poetry bleeds through 
Tears creep on the brink of every reading 
His hand held over his heart to keep it in 
He makes a mark wherever he goes 
The rhythm of his words flow 
And it leaves you speechless 
All you can mouth is ‘wow…’ 

Pondering over poems to capture what I believe in 
A work of art always in progre...

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Fleeting Images

The other day I caught myself staring at your image
Embedded in the cliff-side pool.
Surrounded by flowers and foliage,
Miles away from you.

Your skin porcelain,
Flaws hidden,
Eyes clement,
You didn't even seem human.

And maybe you weren't.
You were perhaps just an abstract concept,
An evanescent concoction of pigments,
Who swam away, leaving behind no remnants.

When I thought ab...

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eight limbs lower so small and afraid,

a two limbed child chases your dance,

dragging their feet and fate to you,

but your step to a web is slow,

to small to catch the beat of their murder,

might they show mercy and turn it down?

for you to dance in silence.


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I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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Books, Music & Poetry

I love being surrounded 

by books, music and poetry. 

Each one comforts me, 

provides a healthy escape

from too much reality, 

an alternate destiny,

full of adventure, passion,

rhythm and rhyme.

I will choose books,

music and poetry 

over life’s drama

every time!


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only one way out

only one way out 
just like you heard
down the mountain

don't think. 
follow the center
of your future river

pass the shed of your 

the country turns dead earth into wood
and i turn it further thus
snapped off in haste once
pegged for eager duty
and held up to the sun for 
those gathered to admire

a tree, a length of tree, a stout
handle to the living, 

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Within These Walls

These days I feel a kinship with the four white walls,
Which guard my every move, every breath, every thought.
Observe how they close in on me, irked, distraught-
They make the world look small.
I speak to them in unfinished puzzles,
And superficial metaphors,
And subdued gurgles,
And defeated murmurs.
My words are nothing but a brook,
Whose melancholic babbles fill the chilly air.
They ...

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Keep In Mind

You have to move forward in the world 

 Because no one else will

 Keep pushing yourself or time will remain still

Make efforts to get where you want to be

It’s not hard, all you have to do is believe


It won’t take just words, you need action

In life, doing nothing won’t have a reaction

All opportunities will pass by if you waste your time

You’re on a path to you futur...

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(For John Lewis 1940-2020)


When Dr King led the March on Washington in 1963

You were the youngest leader to address the crowd

And you died the last remaining speaker,

Eighty years old with strength and individuality

Acquired slowly and painfully;

The still visible baton scars

From freedom bus rides

And other peaceful protests

Prove it.


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american history xpoetry

value of a moment

Its been a new start of another day,

where sun rises high from its bay,

to insist there is a new hopeful way,

where you can mould your life like a clay,

buzzing bees buzz for their sweet nectar pay,

relegious places start their day's pray,

and I celebrate my day as I have another day to stay

                                       -cancer survivor

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How are you?

A question worth a thousand answers 

A thousand possibilities summed into one


Somewhere in between the good and the bad 

Between the lines 

Of the lies 

Fine -


Just fine.


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith

For poetry and more visit:

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lifepoetrypoemmental healthdepressionpainhealinghopetalking

The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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