TIME (Remove filter)
At the foothills of vintage age
you feel perceptibly less somber
for there are only meager remains
of mostly forgotten days -
little to smile, rue or cry for
and an amorphous
yet obligingly finite future -
trifling to put together or fight for.
So dear Chandra:
here is a congratulation:
It must be awesome -
this imminent privilege of geriatrics
and this stolen bit of tran...
Wednesday 25th December 2019 8:20 pm
Good Days
God bless the good days.
Days a smile is no stranger to your face.
Days your favorite songs play, and you sing along.
Days faith is restored in humanity.
Days sunshine and fresh air makes life seem fair.
Days you feel the gentle touch of love.
Good days will see you through tough days,
down days,
diseased days,
bitter days that never seem to end,
days you have no friends,
days ...
Monday 18th November 2019 1:15 am
Mercury retrograde is at the phase where it is giving us the chance to revisit lost opportunities with a second chance in sight. Useful to take note of whether you believe in astrology or not.
Clockwise has closed
Backwards beckons
Tocks become ticks
A reversal of seconds
Repairing the wreckage
Reckoning with time
Another chance
Before the
Saturday 9th November 2019 2:12 pm
Do you ever want to
hold on to a moment
because it feels divine?
A moment when the stars align,
and everything is fine.
A moment when you make peace
with your past, and your pain.
A moment when there is
no sorrow, no shame.
A moment when fear
takes a hike.
A moment when the sky is clear,
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright.
A moment when everything
Wednesday 9th October 2019 5:41 am
Killing Time Ain't no Crime
Killing Time Ain't no Crime
My date is at five and it’s six am
That’s eleven hours between now and then
That’s six hundred and sixty minutes I reckon
Or thirty-nine thousand and six hundred seconds
They’re ticking by, but not fast enough
They’re tic, tic, tic, tic, ticking me off
The time ain’t flying, it’s got me sighing
The minutes grind by and it’s crucifying
As ...
Monday 23rd September 2019 3:36 am
Time doesn’t exist
outside the mind
past and future loop
to form a circle
upside down
you can see marsh
in hearts too dark
to dance entranced
stars leave light marks
upon the air
8 travels there
where the sun burnt black
cuts shards across the grass
there be a pyre
light me a match
a firefly a firefly
a jar to catch
watch time pass
a movie reel revealed
to all...
Sunday 8th September 2019 1:25 pm
Today is the tomorrow of yesterday
All so quickly a memory
Past & present simultaneously
Waltzing through all
Our faults
Internal sounds and visions
Replaying forgone decisions
Still feeling it all, So physically
Today again just
Lost on me
Seemingly living
In yesterday...
But time still dances
To the tune of chance
As we look forward
...Saturday 31st August 2019 9:56 am
Where does time come from?
And to where does it then go?
There may be no answer to this puzzle,
For it seems no-one can ever know.
When we have fun it is oft ignored,
But trundles by when we are bored.
One may find an hour is long,
But others may think that this is wrong.
So time can be our enemy,
But it can also be our friend.
But remember time has no begin...
Friday 23rd August 2019 6:16 pm
Life is a journey that's way too short;
To waste precious time, being a worrywart.
Fretting and fussing make one dour;
When life gives you lemons, make a Whiskey Sour!
Care not for either, frivolity or sloth;
Work and Pleasure; there's a time for both.
Watch a cloudburst, through your window pane;
Or run outside, and dance in the rain!
Wednesday 21st August 2019 7:48 am
Tranquility in your presents
doves pecking as our kiss is tending
lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.
clouds draw me close for a better look
fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee
telling my lover she is the best mother to be
She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...
Thursday 15th August 2019 2:35 am
A Memory Lost in Time
This is one of my longest poems. It tells a story about an adventure I took one day back when I was a teenager. I don't think it's some of my better writing, but maybe you may find it enjoyable.
A Memory Lost in Time
I’ve reached the age
Where many years have passed me by.
Lost memories have become buried
Mixed in the years lost by time.
Every so often, unexpected like.
Tuesday 30th July 2019 7:23 pm
Time is My Fall
Now in my senior years, I look at time differently than when I was in my twenties. I can look back at ten-year intervals and see how time affected me. The older I get; time becomes more precious. I seem to have wasted a lot of time. In my youth I thought I was invincible and had plenty. Then my thoughts were; ‘When I have time…’ Now time is shorter and I am not sure I have enough time. Makes one ...
Monday 29th July 2019 10:51 pm
Pitter patter of the rain
used to remind me of,
muddy shoes and smelly toes..
But now, it reminds me of,
easy conversation,
merry laughter
& a journey I could have
Saturday 27th July 2019 3:53 am
Take a walk on the wild side
Step from the road of the known into the wild of the unknown.
My guide, the divine pulling me 3 finger widths beneath my last known uplink.
Wonders of the world exist all at once, spanning the confines of time.
I visit myself as a child and young adult.
Give hope to the past, while gaining wisdom from the future.
Crude oil refined into the supreme.
Let's suffer together.
Friday 26th July 2019 1:06 pm
Behind the Stone
Behind the Stone
Upon the stone face of the world
the laughter of trees; the scars
of the battles of sun and snow.
Behind the stone,
the graves of lost streams
and printed in rock,
the fish of a swallowed sea:
locked in the ripples of time,
the clock of a billion years.
Upon the stone face of an old man
the scars of a war, the lines
etched in channel...
Monday 15th July 2019 9:37 pm
Incessant time
Oh unholy intimidating time
ticking your incessant tock,
crying out a second
swallowed scream,
gouging out the minutiae
to reach the crux of the matter
only to find it flattened
and sprawled out into
an infinite sense of everything,
a past, present and future tense
of the workings of the mind.
Friday 12th July 2019 9:24 pm
Meeting Greeting
How are you?
Oh, you know,
The tides of time
Wash along my coastline
And one day
The cliff of my existence
Will crumble and tumble
Into its waves.
How about you?
Monday 10th June 2019 9:04 pm
Three Times
Three Times
On a thunderous evening
In the still of the storm,
We bounce our baubles of time-passed
Upon tables animated by waved forks,
Dis investing the plates
Of their succulence and garnish.
In the chilly morning, outside
We say again, “Autumn is here”,
Putting away our ideas
Of what the world should become.
We break the earth and rake together
Friday 7th June 2019 11:35 am
Past's Prologue
The trees still sentinel stood
their green leaves whispering
rustling gently in the wood
in the same soft breeze
and I know some summer birds
sang in their canopy
a requiem without words
'neath the same blue sky
that through every passing year
quietly watched over me
safe within Ceredig's sphere
It has been too long a time
since our firs...
Tuesday 9th April 2019 2:20 pm
Thursday 4th April 2019 8:02 pm
Frozen time
Time freezes for a while every single day..
The moments lie in slumber when we are drawn apart..
The closeness pirouettes in an enchanting ballet..
Time freezes for a while every single day
These goings and coming back are known to heal and allay
Seasons spent in the light of each other bring joy to the dear heart ..
Time freezes for a while every single day..
The moments lie in slumber w...
Friday 29th March 2019 6:39 pm
Kerala Visit
kerala is peaceful and beautiful
in all cases and places
Keralite people are so cheerful
I can read "welcome" on faces
The Green Carpet of all guests
and pure nature to enjoy
generous people happily smiling
at any time of any day
Life in Kerala based on love
and clear hearts for caring
I love Kerala more than enough
I'll come back sure for sharing
Friday 29th March 2019 3:47 pm
Cosmology 101
Chaos seems the wrong first word:
no light
no sound
no time
and nothing moving e'er occurred
Chaos speaks to me of chance:
a move
a crash
a force
that happen in time's dance
So before chaos, ah, but stop -
no before
(no time)
so just
stasis as creation's dark backdrop
Some cosmic joggle, as if perhaps
god sneezed:
atoms move
and ...
Monday 18th March 2019 10:57 am
Walking in the rain, I’ve broken all the rules
looking back I was such a fool
come back inside you’ll catch a cold
I fall back into that aggressive hold
the storm will pass and we will grow old
or say goodbye before the time passes you by
nothing heals the past like time
that’s if you don’t lose your mind
Saturday 9th March 2019 2:31 am
Save to live
Invest always your time
Time is life, why to lose?
Read and enjoy your hobby
To be happy, you should choose
Put your plan to save money
Money gives you happiness to live
Never plan to ask a loan
But should be able, too, to give
Actively, go for good change
World never stop at all
Give everything time to deal
Surely, you'll achieve the goal
Monday 18th February 2019 12:31 pm
If you learn from the past
Improving your future
Then you'll achieve the goal
And reach it safely faster
Pay an attention to move
Know the direction to go
Have time to Improve
Act well, not only "show"
Earn your people' regard
And don't cross the fence
Know the value of the word
Now you've got confidence
Sunday 17th February 2019 7:48 pm
Cha-Chi Legacy
I inhale the tears
welling up in my eyes.
Feeling like I don't have
the right to cry for
letting so much time go by
without saying hi,
how are you doing,
what's new in your life?
I "kept in touch"
watching your
on social media,
after a
providing water
and food for
people who didn't
know your name.
I was proud of you,
Monday 4th February 2019 4:04 am
No Rush
I think we can be something special,
So let's just take it slow,
And wait until we're ready,
To decide where this goes.
There's no need to rush,
Because I'll always be here,
Today, tomorrow,
For the next million years.
Saturday 26th January 2019 9:22 pm
Forever ago may seem
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.
There is no escape.
It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed
in a concrete kiss.
It's the lyrical
soul connection
that went on months
before our egos
got in the way.
In the forever between
tears and heartbreak,
we managed
to find ourselves
and our destiny, here
on this pag...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:09 pm
Writer's Block
When you get writer's block
go for a walk
find a friend
have a talk
blow bubbles
spin a top
count stars
watch birds flock
whatever you do
don't stare
at a blank page
as the clock
goes tick-tock.
Thursday 3rd January 2019 12:58 pm
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