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Killing Time Ain't no Crime

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Killing Time Ain't no Crime


My date is at five and it’s six am

That’s eleven hours between now and then

That’s six hundred and sixty minutes I reckon

Or thirty-nine thousand and six hundred seconds

They’re ticking by, but not fast enough

They’re tic, tic, tic, tic, ticking me off

The time ain’t flying, it’s got me sighing

The minutes grind by and it’s crucifying

As I watch the clock and count the tocs

And will those hands to pull up their socks

To pick up their feet and get a move on

To skip to the beat and get their groove on

The impatient tapping of feet on floorboards

Fingers lamenting life’s lack of fast forward

Then at long last, time, is consigned to history

The hours dragged past, but how’s this for a mystery

The time starts flying at a blistering rate

I’m time poor since four, I don’t want to be late

The lacklustre seconds have picked up their pace

I’m flustered, five beckons, as the clock and I race

I arrive at the rendezvous with five mins to spare

And patiently wait for my date to get there

As the clock strikes o’clock I’m still patiently waiting

She’s not showed up, times slowed up, it’s decelerating

I realise I’ve been stood up and now times standing still

I swallow my pride ... one of life’s bitter pills

It does little, to ease the pain of the jilt

Or the stabbing pangs brought on by guilt

Killing time ain't no crime or so they say

But time is precious, don’t wish it away.


Killing TimeTimeWasting TimeWishing The Day Away

◄ Where’s me head? [Where is my head?]

Six ►


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