Palestine (Remove filter)
Triple Haiku for 2025 [No.1. ❤ Love’s ❤ Revolt ❤]
the world weeps: enough!
set Palestine’s people free
love’s the only way
stokers of hate’s fire
tried to bury love’s dissent
but buried good seed
we’re now growing strong
our shoots dance in winds of change
love, bring Spring’s revolt!
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 25th January 2025
Sunday 26th January 2025 7:18 am
Haiku for 2025 [No. 8. Infanticide]
don’t speak in my name!
murdered in incubators,
they won’t see this Spring
Saturday 25th January 2025 3:59 pm
Remembrance? Forget It!
Notes on Remembrance? Forget It!
My use of the word Pogrom in my poem is deliberate, not flippant. I used it to draw attention to its use by lying news / propaganda outlets with reference to the recent situation in Amsterdam, a deliberately emotive and offensive trivialisation of the horrific reality of pogroms in Russia, and of events such as Kristallnacht. Its use there, was a cynical...
Saturday 9th November 2024 7:43 pm
Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave
There’s a saying around here: “Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave,” meaning: Those who have, will have. It’s always been true, and is moreso these days.
Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt’,
Bur if th’art cowd n’ ‘ungry, on’ gets blotto,
Tha’ll get cawed neawt bu’ feckless workshy leawts,
‘Cos “Aw’m aw reet Jack” ‘s allus bin their motto.
Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘c...
Saturday 14th September 2024 12:43 pm
Juden für Palästina! (Jews for Palestine!)
The accompanying video is of Emma Kirkby (an old family favourite of ours) singing “Dido’s Lament” by Henry Purcell. It’s one of the saddest pieces of English music I’ve ever heard, and so, is most appropriate.
I’ve modelled my poem around Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night”, on the premise that the night we currently face is not, in any sense ...
Friday 8th March 2024 12:40 pm
Gutter Press
They claim he died
as act of protest
against the “war”.
Tools of the fascists,
gutter press
they lie and lie
whilst innocents die.
“I will no longer
be complicit
in genocide”,
were his words.
“Free Palestine”
he screamed out
in his agony,
at least three times.
Wednesday 28th February 2024 11:11 am
The Closing Of The Red Sea
I saw the blood run down the walls
Within the children's tears
I heard the parliamentary halls
Resound with warring cheers
I felt the shock of bomb & gun
Within gasps of anticipation
I saw their prey run & run
From nation killing nation
I drew my scythe & licked my lips
A hefty load to swallow
I told the ferryman, he needed ships
For, they will b...
Wednesday 7th February 2024 6:48 pm
A Genesis?
The world keeps shouting
whilst, the quiet
sit in despair, witnessing
the mould & rot spread
Trying not to Inhale
greedy spores that rot hope
Exhaling a desperate, empty foreboding
‘Times they are a-changin’’
Echoes from an old radio somewhere
A white flag drifts past, stained red
We rub our eyes
But, there's fire in the sky
And death all around.
Sunday 4th February 2024 10:56 pm
In the rubble, he found an arm
It was very small, it wore a charm
An olive tree, on a silver chain
His little girl had one the same
But, that was attached to the whole of her?
Perhaps, the tears made his vision blur
He gently kissed it, laying it down
And, began again to search around.
Friday 1st December 2023 8:36 am
Never Again Means Never Again-For Anyone!
Your Jewish Voice for Labour
is another voice for me,
a voice for cooperation,
a voice for good, not ill;
your Jewish Voice for Peace,
asks no more blood be spilled,
let your protests’ sound increase;
speak up my sisters, brothers,
for all humanity,
speak out against vile smears,
against hypocrisy,
speak out against apartheid,
Mandela was correct:
our freedom...
Monday 27th November 2023 10:30 am
Zip it, Hotovely!
No, Board of Deputies of British Jews,
you do not speak for her;
neither does the tool-maker’s son,
he does not speak for her;
nor you, Hotovely, you don’t speak for her…
…for that brave Jewish lady with a conscience
whose family died in The Holocaust,
who, in London, engaged in peaceful protest,
was harassed, arrested and detained
for twenty-four hours by a bored-...
Friday 17th November 2023 12:12 pm
Deathstyle Choice
Her Deathstyle Choice!
The red red rose of Lancashire, it’s red for love,
the poppy, flower of Palestine which gives me hope,
the fragile Armistice poppy, of hope, not hate,
trodden in the mud by Braverman’s Nat C. friends,
by the Nazi hate-mob...
Wednesday 8th November 2023 2:14 pm
The Song of Songs
It’s with a heavy heart that I make this post, overwhelmed as I am, with emotions ranging from despair to incandescent rage about the tragic events in Israel and Palestine. I can’t find any helpful words to describe how I feel, so I’ll leave you with this.
It’s a beautiful love poem/song which I think is sung here in Hebrew, with what I think is possibly music of Arabic influence?
The sourc...
Sunday 15th October 2023 12:59 pm
Double Haiku -النكبة an-Nakbah
From the frying pan
Of lying thieving scumbags,
To Tory-lite fire;
The tool-maker’s son,
Palestine’s blood on his hands,
Purging our Red Rose.
Thursday 1st June 2023 1:58 pm
The Wall..
The Wall.. by Robert Eunson.
This is the place where dove's are nailed to stone..
Where the words we exist to resist, are written on the wall and where the spray can is mightier than the sword.
The year's of endless suffering..the check points..the land grab.the ilegal settlements.
The fear on both sides..The hate on both sides .The death on both sides.
Saturday 26th November 2016 5:25 pm
An Angel Bathes In Tears
An Angel Bathes In Tears
Diniel rested for a second
and turned his eyes away
from those that he was caring for
and in that moment all was lost.
Now he bathes in the cascades
of acidic human tears
that flood the world with grief.
Erosive and corrosive
at the passing of infant souls
in a war that has no meaning
in a world that has no morals.
Now his dainty angel features
disappear unt...
Friday 25th July 2014 2:30 pm
His Mother makes them both a snack
Jamal, he sits out in the back
Upon an empty old rice sack
Flip-flops and bottle tops
In Gaza, fun for girls and boys
Are simple things that make no noise
For Jamal they're his favourite toys
Flip-flops and bottle tops
He plays outside in rubble dust
His Mother smiles and is not fussed
It's safer there but only just
...Friday 18th July 2014 5:18 pm
let us pretend
Let us pretend
that we haven’t been this way before
too recently and too often
that this is the way forward
that it is the road to the peace
which eluded you when you sent
planes and tanks and men
into Lebanon, Ramallah, Jenin,
Gaza, Gaza, Gaza.
Let us pretend
that this time will be different
that this time will be worth it
that you can tot up the lives...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 9:56 pm
Just Because They Once Were Victims
This is not an anti-semetic poem, or anti - Israeli poem.
This is a protest poem, in protest at the violation of human rights in attacking ships laden with aid and medical supplies bound for Gaza.
Israel has the right to exist... fact.
So does Palestine... fact.
Israel cannot starve out the ...
Sunday 6th June 2010 3:59 am
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